5 succese mari pentru 5 filme mici
地区:罗马尼亚 / 0分钟
又名: / 5 great success for children 5 movies
猫眼ID:626581 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨5 succese mari pentru 5 filme mici剧情介绍
Synopsis 5 for children 5 successful small films "Metropolis Film presents' successes 5 large 5 small movies" - a block of 5 Romanian short films recently awarded the Golden Bear in Berlin, the Golden Leopard at Locarno and other selections from other major international festivals. Titles shorts are a great day of beach (Bogdan Mustata, Berlin Golden Bear 2008), Waves (Adrian Sitaru Golden Leopard Locarno 2007), Alexandra (Radu Jude, the film's opening short film festival in Clermont-Ferrand ), The Boxing Lesson (Alexander Mavrodineanu, a competitor of online competition of short films in the festival in Cannes) and Home (Paul Negoescu, winner of several awards at international festivals). Under the name "5 big success for small films 5, groups of 77 minutes came in the commercial circuit, both in cinemas and on DVD. Premiere at Cinema Studio was organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute and groupage could be watched in Bucharest, since June 13, at Studio Cinema, Hollywood Multiplex (Mall), Cinema Europe and in Cluj and Craiova, in Victoria, Modern cinema respectively. DVD with five films can be found in bookstores bookstores, Humanitas and Diverta.
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