Le prix de la mort
导演:Thomas Goupille
地区:法国 / 45分钟
猫眼ID:488211 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨Le prix de la mort剧情介绍
本片由Thomas Goupille导演XX主演,于未知法国上映!
Texas, January 2001. George W. Bush is on the way to begin his functions as president of the United States of America. A group of children pray for the future president. In the House of Representatives, one discusses the appropriateness of the sentences of life without parole as as possible alternative to the death penalty... All started with a figure: 2.3 million dollars, the purported price of carrying out the death penalty from the time of sentence until execution. This sum is three times more than that necessary to condemn a person to life in prison. What are the reasons for such a high cost? What is the economy of the death penalty? Officials, lawyers and prosecutors attempt to answer these questions. They are mixed up, contradicted, irritated and finally end up ready to talk to the camera.
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