卡拉斯 科文特花园剧院演出录影
主演:玛丽亚·卡拉斯,Renato Cioni,提托·戈比
地区:英国 / 70分钟
又名:Maria Callas at Covent Garden / 罗西尼 比才 威尔第与普契尼作品,《托斯卡》第二幕
猫眼ID:278075 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 24.4%
- 8-9分 56.9%
- 6-7分 10.0%
- 4-5分 5.9%
- 1-3分 2.7%
🤍 10 人想看
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丨卡拉斯 科文特花园剧院演出录影剧情介绍
本片由筱玉霜导演玛丽亚·卡拉斯,Renato Cioni,提托·戈比主演,于未知英国上映!
卡拉斯两次在伦敦科文特花园剧院的演出选段,演唱威尔第(唐卡洛)、比才(卡门)、罗西尼(塞维利亚的理发师)的咏叹调选曲。以及普契尼《托斯卡》的完整第二幕。 Few of Maria Callas's performances were filmed, so these two gala concerts recorded at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, in 1962 and 1964 are special. On 4 November 1962, it was before an excited audience that she appeared unexpectedly in a live television transmission of a concert with several other performers. She was in excellent vocal condition, which reassured her fans, who had heard rumors that she was vanishing from the stage to be with Aristotle Onassis or because her voice was failing. Callas sings Tu che le vanita from Verdi's Don Carlo and the flirtatious gypsy girl's role in the Habanera and the Seguedille from Bizet's Carmen. In 1963 Callas occasionally recorded for EMI in Paris, but her last triumph was her appearance in Puccini's Tosca at Covent Garden in 1964. The director was Franco Zeffirelli and singing in the role of Scarpia was baritone Tito Gobbi.
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