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Egy nap a paradicsomban

Egy nap a paradicsomban


导演:Endre Marton

主演:Samu Balázs,卡塔琳·拜赖克,Ilona Béres



地区:匈牙利 / 49分钟


又名: / Falstaff

猫眼ID:1036986 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Egy nap a paradicsomban剧情介绍

本片由Endre Marton导演Samu Balázs,卡塔琳·拜赖克,Ilona Béres主演,于未知匈牙利上映!

It's not about an other day in Paradise but the first day of two newly hired freshman in the canned-tomato factory. The girl tried as a secretary, and the guy as someone who has a promising future there straightforward. What do they do on their recruitment day and how they're processing through the ranks without doing any reasonable thing for that.

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