- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
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- 1-3分 0%
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The vital idea behind the film 'Album' is the protagonist's attempt to re-establish a normal post-war life, searching for family photographs lost in the war on the territory of former Yugoslavia. In this poetic film essay, writer Miroslav Kirin is making an attempt at reconstructing a family album with photos destroyed in the war, when his family was forced to leave their home in occupied Petrinja. After the war he finds unusual 'compensation': having returned, instead of his family photographs, he finds an undeveloped negative left by the unknown Serbian family who lived in his house during occupation. Ironically and emotionally, these photos become a part of his family album.
- “骗骗”喜欢你(9.5分)
主演:金晨,孙阳,李雪琴 - 误判(9.5分)
主演:甄子丹,张智霖,许冠文 - 破·地狱(9.3分)
主演:黄子华,许冠文,卫诗雅 - 误杀3(暂无分)
主演:肖央,佟丽娅,段奕宏 - 狮子王:木法沙传奇(9.2分)
主演:亚伦·皮埃尔,张若昀,小凯文·哈里森 - 好东西(9.2分)
主演:宋佳,钟楚曦,章宇 - 名侦探柯南:迷宫的十字路口(暂无分)
主演:高山南,山崎和佳奈,山口胜平 - 雄狮少年2(9.4分)
主演:李昕,郭皓,陈业雄 - 小小的我(暂无分)
主演:易烊千玺,林晓杰,蒋勤勤 - 孤星计划(9.4分)
主演:王源,张雪迎,梁靖康 - 帕丁顿熊3:秘鲁大冒险(暂无分)
主演:本·威士肖,杜江,休·博纳维尔 - 因果报应(9.3分)