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电影首页纪录片For Honor with ValorFor Honor with Valor免费在线观看,For Honor with Valor电影天堂迅雷高清下载

For Honor with Valor


导演:Kevin McElroy

主演:Ryan Hallberg,Cheryl Berg Wineman


地区:美国 / 76分钟

猫眼ID:670869 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

在线观看:腾讯视频 优酷 爱奇艺  免费下载:迅雷高清 电影天堂

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丨For Honor with Valor电影精彩片段

  • For Honor with Valor

丨For Honor with Valor剧情简介

Ryan Hallberg is a young Iraq Veteran from Minnesota that tells his story of his life in the Military and experiences from the time that he enlisted right out of high school, to the convoy mission that ended his Military career due to a roadside bomb; an IED attack. He shares his hardships with the aftermath of the attack that left him critically injured, enduring weeks of treatments and surgeries in the hospital, but also shows his courage and will to move forward in life even after his leg was amputated. If he had a choice to go back and do it all over again, he would still choose the same path into the military because of his honor and respect that he has for his country.

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