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电影首页剧情40 West40 West免费在线观看,40 West电影天堂迅雷高清下载

40 West


导演:Dana Packard

主演:Kathleen Kimball,Dylan Chestnutt,Olivia Cornell


地区:美国 / 120分钟

猫眼ID:605843 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

在线观看:腾讯视频 优酷 爱奇艺  免费下载:迅雷高清 电影天堂

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丨40 West剧情简介

Through a series of events beyond her control, Maeve, a Blues musician, finds herself trapped in a sordid East Texas motel room with her violent husband, Colin, who, unbeknownst to her, has been released from prison early. Held hostage with her is Elijah, a professed Good Samaritan and fan of Maeve's, whose interest in her seems disproportionate to his claims. Colin has tracked Maeve down and waylaid her in order to apologize for his past behavior with a special present he's picked out just for her - a twisted surprise that opens a raw and anguished chapter of their shared history. But Colin's carefully laid plan is interrupted by an unexpected visit from his jailhouse girlfriend, Arlene, and the imminent arrival of her jealous, homicidal husband, Bud Sankey, whose sights are set on Colin.

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