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Swooped: Based on a Real Life Occurrence


导演:Shaun Paul Costello,Joe Gariffo

主演:惠特尼·尼耳森,Christina Rose Scott,Don Manigly


地区:美国 / 86分钟

猫眼ID:562726 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

在线观看:腾讯视频 优酷 爱奇艺  免费下载:迅雷高清 电影天堂

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丨Swooped: Based on a Real Life Occurrence剧情简介

After a party one night, Stan sleeps with a girl named Julia not knowing his best friend Jack was into her. Feeling bad, Stan tries to get Jack and Julia together. After succeeding, Jack and Stan take a trip to Orlando Florida to see a girl Stan has been in love with for years. While there, Jack makes out with her. Stan feels that this is worse then sleeping with Julia and they begin to fight. When they get back to Philadelphia, Stan sleeps with Julia again.

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