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Two close sisters, Myah and Beth, struggle with their differences in life and in the older sister's mentally abusive marriage, until the complacent lives of Beth and their married friends are shaken to the core by a tragedy that they are all forced to face. Complacent is a portrait of the middle American lifestyle. The 9 to 5 at a desk job, cookie-cutter homes with manicured lawns, golf three times a week, Florida vacation each year with the family. Only problem.... No one loves the other.... No one strives for more.... No one sees outside his or her own front yard.... They just coast... Question is, can you really go through life like this without deteriorating from the inside? Myah decides that you can't, you have to do more, want more, care more and it sets off a chain of events within the group of friends that is at times amusing and at times heartbreaking, but eventually fatal in both reality and metaphor. Written by Anonymous
- “骗骗”喜欢你(9.5分)
主演:金晨,孙阳,李雪琴 - 误判(9.5分)
主演:甄子丹,张智霖,许冠文 - 名侦探柯南:迷宫的十字路口(暂无分)
主演:高山南,山崎和佳奈,山口胜平 - 小小的我(暂无分)
主演:易烊千玺,林晓杰,蒋勤勤 - 误杀3(暂无分)
主演:肖央,佟丽娅,段奕宏 - 狮子王:木法沙传奇(9.2分)
主演:亚伦·皮埃尔,张若昀,小凯文·哈里森 - 好东西(9.2分)
主演:宋佳,钟楚曦,章宇 - 雄狮少年2(9.4分)
主演:李昕,郭皓,陈业雄 - 破·地狱(9.3分)
主演:黄子华,许冠文,卫诗雅 - 帕丁顿熊3:秘鲁大冒险(暂无分)
主演:本·威士肖,杜江,休·博纳维尔 - 海洋奇缘2(9.2分)
主演:奥丽伊·卡瓦洛 ,道恩·强森,瑞秋·豪斯 - 鸳鸯楼·惊魂(7.9分)