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#yogis #

  • 小呀嘛小婷 518天前 上海

    2022/8/8-2023/8/8一年 392.25小时 继续加油 #yogis# 上海·Y 瑜伽会所(永福路店)

  • o

    oblivion_chen 547天前 杭州

    回新疆一下吃胖了好几斤一天不出汗就难受 Yoga#yogis# 杭州

  • M

    Mlles_alef 818天前 成都

    今天的瑜伽课上得不是很好——虽然累得面红耳赤但是却感觉没练到什么。到最后一个鹤禅都没心情哪怕上去一秒钟,而反反复复的chaturanga只让我认识到自己腰有多容易塌 #yogis#

  • Y

    YUNfromtheSky 1464天前 

    成为自己的勇士 勇敢的 坚强的 爱自己 Be your own warrior Be brave Stay strong Love yourself #yogis # yogagirl #warriorpose # himalayayogavalleygoa #loveyourself # bebrave #strong # inhaleexhale

  • -

    -LightCollective 2024天前 

    #Yogis life# 到了要套毛袜练习的天气了

  • N

    Neil尼欧萧 2236天前 

    The best hike EVER !! #hike # hiking #weather # amazing #acro # acroyoga #omg # infinity #infinite # view #yogis # me #NX# 登山## 爬山## 健身## 夏威夷## 火奴鲁鲁## 双人瑜珈## 大自然## 戶外# 美国·Koko Head District Park

  • 哈童贱姐 2378天前 

    Yoga health #Yogis # happiness Everything is possible in yoga Namaste

  • 生煎馒头小姐 2583天前 

    #yogis# If I have to spend two years to practice in order to reach the level of the average non-sport people, I could use another 2 years to go beyond them. In the end, it's just time.... it will come back someday all the effort you pay 🙏#namaste#

  • V

    VaNeSSaaaaaaaa 2670天前 

    Headstand split 只要坚持 一切都是顺其自然 #Yogis # VaNeSSaaaaaaaa的🎞︎微博视频

  • A

    AgnesLovesYoga 3221天前 

    偷懶了整個冬天,要開始練功了😝 #lazygirl # agnesloveyoga #aliveyoga # backbend #backbends # backbendmadness #yogis # h 🔗
