chu_chu198412 186天前
good day in China ....I am so excited. last month I cam across Wujinyan Picture at 1903 department store #JaneWu# #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# #Wujinyan# #TheDouble# #coach# 绿洲
chu_chu198412 186天前
good day in China ....I am so excited. last month I cam across Wujinyan Picture at 1903 department store #JaneWu# #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# #Wujinyan# #TheDouble# #coach# 绿洲
吴谨言官方后援会 768天前 天津
#吴谨言coach品牌代言人# 230204 INS更新 Do you have, like, a businesswoman special? 👜 #WuJinYan steps out with our new Sammy Top Handle. Coming soon. # CoachNY 人、包皆出彩,旗鼓相当,相得益彰。@吴谨言 INS指路👉🏻coach
拜托_Cyndi 385天前 上海
#王心凌sugarhigh世界巡回演唱会# #吴谨言# #黄小蕾# 哈哈哈,这个都还没发 后面就是横屏的哈 2023.12.23 成都站SUGAR HIGH 巡演饭拍 爱你!~! 拜托_Cyndi的🎞︎微博视频
chu_chu198412 264天前
@chu_chu198412 在@绿洲 等你,戳我看看>> 绿洲 Your performance make me crazy... She is the real actress. #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# #อู๋จินเหยียน# #wujinyan# #thedouble#
chu_chu198412 259天前
I can't move on from this . Omg Repeat again and again . #มรสุมชีวิต# #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# #อู๋จินเหยียน# #Wujinyan# #TheDouble# 绿洲
吴谨言官方后援会 769天前 北京
吴谨言 #吴谨言coach品牌代言人# 230203 INS更新 “New hue alert. 💜 Our very-violet Tabby is coming soon. 💜 (Here's actress #WuJinYan with the hype.) # TabbyBag #CoachNY” 新春新包新气象 @吴谨言 INS指路👉🏻coach
chu_chu198412 34天前
Honey. ที่รักจ๋า My heart beats 💓so fast because of you. really cute 🥰 #wujinyan吴晋言# #吴晋言# #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# #Wujinyan# #KillMeLoveMe# 绿洲
chu_chu198412 34天前
Omg .... Fall in love WJY .... #wujinyan# #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# #wujinyan吴晋言# #吴晋言# #นางเอกขายฝีมือ# //@Vivian2010世界:哇哦 惟妙惟肖@吴谨言
chu_chu198412 36天前
I miss you. #Wujinyan# #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# #吴晋言# #wujinyan吴晋言# #TheDouble# 绿洲
chu_chu198412 43天前
She so cute #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# #wujinyan吴晋言# #wujinyan# #吴晋言#
甜瓜和萨凡纳 103天前
#WuJinyan visited the hospital for a prenatal examination, displaying a prominent baby bump, and was accompanied by her husband, # HongYao. The candid shots from CNETZ reveal that Hong Yao is always looking out for Wu Jinyan, often placing his hands behind her for protection. The ...全文
chu_chu198412 123天前
MeiLin she so amazing...and I really like her attitude. #吴晋言# #ใบไมผลิบานที่มอดไหม้# #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# #wujinyan# #killmeloveme#
chu_chu198412 133天前
OMG If you are sad then eat so BAD. #吴晋言# #KillMeLoveMe# #chunhuayan# #Wujinyan# #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# 绿洲
chu_chu198412 141天前
my favourite Chinese drama now. Desserts are not as sweet as their love. #killmeLoveme# #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# #吴晋言# #Wujinyan# #ใบไม้ผลิบานที่มอดไหม้ 绿洲
chu_chu198412 141天前
She so cute 🥰🥰🥰 #อู๋จิ่นเหยียน# #ใบไมผลิบานที่มอดไหม้# #wujinyan吴晋言# #wujinyan# #吴晋言#