NOHYU 2240天前
2018.10.17 Invictus Gaming Baolan iG电子竞技俱乐部 igbaolan #worlds2018#
NOHYU 2240天前
2018.10.17 Invictus Gaming Baolan iG电子竞技俱乐部 igbaolan #worlds2018#
181103 real recognize real #바비# #bobby# #worlds2018# #BobbyXRiseWorlds2018# #金知元# HIGHTENSIONBOBBY的🎞︎微博视频
telletwa 2306天前
CHINA we can’t wait to play for you, playing so many songs off every TWA album and we are playing RISE!! Don’t miss out tickets are available on our website and your local show ticketing! #Worlds2018# telletwa的🎞︎微博视频
NOHYU 1618天前
2 years ago I first saw #罗云熙# in the #worlds2018# finals, and 2 years later I'm a fan of him. Did God tell me in advance that I would be a fan of him? 罗云熙#罗云熙#
JairaBurnsOfficial 2233天前
I had so much fun at the #LeagueofLegends# #worlds2018# in #韩国·Seoul, Korea[地点]# Here is a video of some of the adventure #LOLworlds2018# #kdaleagueoflegends# JairaBurnsOfficial的秒拍视频
telletwa 2244天前
China do you miss me? :) #Worlds2018# #SojuBoyz# #TheWordAlive#
BcNyArt 2280天前
這次把英雄聯盟2018世界賽的比賽圖拼起來做成了一張海報!也修改了一些地方,全部的圖放在一起的感覺很有氣勢 這次會在這個周末的C3AFA SINGAPORE 2018,我的攤位B.c.N.y.'s Art CH055首賣,也請大家多多指教! #C3AFASG18# #worlds2018# #s8世界赛# #英雄联盟S8世界赛# #LOLS8世界赛#
NOHYU 2285天前
2018.10.16 Meiko & Deft #Worlds2018# deft Meiko
贤者星 2305天前
恭喜IG成为历史第一支同时获取The International & LOL World Champion的战队;也感谢王思聪这位老板对电竞行业的支持!#worlds2018# #IG# 澳大利亚·珀斯
FNC_FanPage 2319天前
Fnatic #worlds2018# #S8# 明天Fnatic将首发Bwipo
NOHYU 2322天前
Preview of today's iG. Keep going iG, take my energy! #Worlds2018# #2018Worlds# theshyigtheshy#IGWIN# 韩国·bexco