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  • j

    justinjencks 127天前 

    下一届骑行挑战赛将于 9 月 21 日在安徽和浙江举行。漫长而有趣的一天。耐力、美景、经典路线,精美奖品,让你度过一个别样的周末。 报名🔗东部魔鬼线/ The next Clean Cycling Challenge race takes place through Anhui and Zhejiang on the 21st of September. A long rewarding ...全文

  • 野趣乡居wildhomestay 284天前 上海

    2024年乡居的第一场春华野跑YEPAO完美收官👏感谢大家的支持与参与!10月秋实跑再见!😉 #野跑# #yepao# #野趣乡居# #wildhomestay#

  • j

    justinjencks 681天前 

    春暖花开,万物复苏!野趣乡居于3月1日开始营业,来和我们一起享受早春周末吧!#wildhomestay opens from winter hibernation this weekend. Weather looking good, a few tweaks for spring and lots of events for the year. # 野趣乡居wildhomestay## tanqi#

  • S

    SunAuraTeam 803天前 黄山

    探骑周末|和这么多女孩一起骑车探险,也太快乐了! 骑行公路车女生爱单车#wildhomestay # #ShanghaiCyclingGirls # #sunaura# #sunauracyclingteam# 黄山·英川村 SuraAuraTeam的🎞︎微博视频

  • j

    justinjencks 1388天前 

    Our simple challenge hosted at the wildhomestay.com . It includes a great segment within a segment up a 1200m climb. Clean Challenge 1: The Beast of the East 东部魔鬼线 2020公路骑行挑战 #1 · 2021年4月10日 · 东部魔鬼线 – 路况良好的有趣小径,适合25c+轮胎 · 168km,累计爬升3000m 10t ...全文

  • j

    justinjencks 1409天前 

    新租老房的装修工作正在紧锣密鼓地进行。Busy Spring starting to work on some renovation of some old houses for the homestay. @野趣乡居Wildhomestay #wildhomestay# #野趣乡居# #徽州旅游# #歙县三阳# #歙县民宿#

  • j

    justinjencks 1642天前 

    140KM 2300M 7H30M - Temperate jungles, mountain wetlands and cycling up ski slopes to a radar station. A #BikeHike# with VilleM - June 2020. QiangNiuGang - Daming Shan - Our big hill ride. We’ve been trying to attack morning glory mountain from a few different angles - on road, ...全文

  • j

    justinjencks 1704天前 

    A very nice May holiday drive & ride with Olivier checking out routes and destinations in Huizhou 徽州. For those that don’t know, Wildhomestay is on the East border of Huizhou and its goes all the way to Wuyuan, in Jiangxi, to the West. A 900 year old prefecture defined by moun ...全文
