东方甄选 43天前 洛阳
Come and enjoy tea with Zhongcan during the Spring Festival#东方甄选# #Springfestival# #tiktok# #traditional culture# 东方甄选的🎞︎微博视频
东方甄选 43天前 洛阳
Come and enjoy tea with Zhongcan during the Spring Festival#东方甄选# #Springfestival# #tiktok# #traditional culture# 东方甄选的🎞︎微博视频
新生命守护者林锦成 296天前 厦门
晟创娱乐荣誉赞助“杜爱花从艺61周年艺术专场《纸影人》”主演介绍 - 吴欣洁(2002年) 孩提时尽显天赋,得奶奶杜爱花真传继承衣钵,学习主板锣鼓,七岁伴唱潮曲《见故人欢喜交并》,八岁首次登台演出潮剧《爱歌》之梦龙。 后得姑姑吴慧玲用心培养成为潮剧演员,现为玉梨潮州木偶剧团司鼓,常随潮艺馆出 ...全文
qigongmacau 140天前
澳門老師在此訓練班接受教育,成為第一位獲得氣舞法認證教練的西方人 Macau teacher was educated at this Training course and bacame first Westerner to become Certified Instructor in Qi Dance method 2024年全國健身氣功氣舞訓練班在浙江奉化落幕 健身氣功新功法:第二期師資訓練班圓滿結束 ...全文
派之声第五城 276天前 合肥
第五城国潮NFT艺术瑰宝,传承中华文化,让传统文化绽放光芒。#谢章# 第五城#vcity.app The Fifth City National Tide NFT Art Treasure inherits Chinese culture and makes traditional culture shine. # 谢章#第五城# vcity.app
HKSCSA 573天前
Hkscsa Let's Start, let's grow together 登封武校冬令營 (12月份) #登封武校冬令營 認識中國功夫非物質文化遺產 TO LEARN MORE CHINESE TRADITIONAL KUNG FU CULTURE Whatsapp: 4448 2601 # 武校冬令營班體驗特點 1) 武術基本功 2) 拳術、兵器套路 3) 觀光、去少林寺打卡留影 www.hkscsa.com 有 ...全文
ctwhnexus 1295天前
发布了头条文章:《凡事从自己身上找原因,不挑剔别人,做更好的自己,遇见最好的生活。》 #传统文化育天下# #Chinese traditional culture# #reboot# 凡事从自己身上找原因,不挑剔别人,做更好的自己,遇见最好的生活。
Ben哥雅思写作与口语 1974天前
2019年10月26日雅思写作备考与考前突击: Task 2 Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries. However, other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen at TV and the Internet. Dibs wks b ...全文