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#tlm research#

  • h

    hollowolf_Syl 178天前 上海

    #tlm research# 安徒生版发表前删减: “I myself shall strive to win an immortal soul … that in the world beyond I may be reunited with him to whom I gave my whole heart,” 可能指Edvard Collin,安徒生的gay (or metaphorically sapphic) crush : “I long for you as though you were a b ...全文

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    hollowolf_Syl 174天前 上海

    #tlm research# seducere是没有sexual connotation的,荷马的塞壬之歌是songs of knowledge beyond human experience;ON的merman (marmennill)是seer;siren和mermaid变得混淆不清部分归功于乔叟: “though we mermaydens clepe hem here … men clepe hem sereyns in Fraunce”(无语了)

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    hollowolf_Syl 339天前 

    #tlm research# 在完全无关的老掉牙理论中自我娱乐…all are songs and the union is silence

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    hollowolf_Syl 331天前 

    #tlm research# 任何sea narrative都能嗑上是我有罪

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    hollowolf_Syl 396天前 

    #tlm research# 读到oceanic studies最新强调水手身份是挑战传统陆地思维的transnational approach,我嚎叫一下,,,

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    hollowolf_Syl 285天前 

    #tlm research# 在包包博士论文里吃点…
