买块地种香菜 948天前 东莞
空调吹多了嗓子痛 希望有用#Strepsils#
买块地种香菜 948天前 东莞
空调吹多了嗓子痛 希望有用#Strepsils#
Jaelkl 1271天前
佢曾經話過,在佢嘅地方係搵唔到呢啲喉糖 。佢亦都講過,佢好喜歡呢個河馬公仔,叫我過去搵佢嘅時候帶俾佢。🌈 #strepsils# #hippo plush toy#
thatChelseagal 2313天前
#天气即天意# 才第一次看仔细了说明书说一天不能超过12粒的, …不说以前😷🤒🤧🤤🤤🤤 我现在刚吞下今天的第25粒…🤤🤤🤤 然后我会跳舞吗😳🤭😱 #扁桃体发炎# #strepsils# #阿莫西林# #草莓味头孢消炎药#
JayFung馮允謙 3558天前
so happy to see all of u tonight! 😘🎤🎵 @jayfung_fansclub #myloves # jayfungmusic #strepsils # voicechampion #singing # contest
JayFung馮允謙 3602天前
back at the office, handing out boxes of "strepsils" to my beloved coworkers! 😘🍬😋 #strepsils # baby #sharingiscaring
JayFung馮允謙 3603天前
all these are definitely gonna help me get through a lot...... of sore throats! 🍬😋👍🏻 #Strepsils # nomore #sorethroat # perksofendorsingaproduct