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#small things like these#

  • 电影美剧派 83天前 金华

    基里安·墨菲主演爱尔兰电影#像这样的小事# 已上线👇🏻 改编自爱尔兰作家克莱尔·吉根的同名小说。讲述1985年的圣诞节,尽职的父亲、煤炭商人比尔·弗隆发现了镇上修道院里的惊人秘密,和关于他自己的一些令人震惊的真相。#Small Things Like These# 电影美剧派的🎞︎微博视频

  • 五星市民谢尔比y 22天前 

    基里安墨菲#cillian murphy# #small things like these# #电影# IFTA Awards 2025 🎬✨ Cillian Murphy闪亮登场红毯,连续两年斩获最佳男演员🎭 五星市民谢尔比y的🎞︎微博视频

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    kinkikafka 23天前 

    People could be good, Furlong reminded himself, as he drove back to town; it was a matter of learning how to manage and balance the give-and-take in a way that let you get on with others as well as your own. But as soon as the thought came to him, he knew the thought itself was p ...全文

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    kinkikafka 24天前 

    The blow was cheap but it was the first he’d heard from her, in all their years together. Something small and hard gathered in his throat then which he tried but felt unable to voice or swallow. In the finish, he could neither swallow it down nor find any words to ease what had ...全文

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    Yeriiiik 46天前 

    #small things like these# Deja Vu

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    Yeriiiik 69天前 

    #small things like these# 感受了把top sales的威力。看见我路过店门口直接走出橱窗打招呼,胡小姐昨晚有没有看比赛,赢了诶2:0夏撚有进球,还好你有看,好收尾迎接新年!好👌🏾整个商场都知道了。

  • 悸动花儿的白日夢 783天前 泉州

    #Small Things Like These# “ The sky looked strange and close with a few, dim stars.” from Small Things Like These 这本男性视角的小书看完了,看得有点没头脑,风景描写的倒是很细致,风晴云雨。哈佛评论里评价作者是“a masterful renderer of environments” 👉景 ...全文

  • 悸动花儿的白日夢 789天前 泉州

    #夜读# #Small Things Like These# “ The people, for the most part, unhappily endured the weather.” from Small Things Like These 雨夜冷冰冰,滴答滴答,忍过寒冷,期待温暖艳阳 Book Cover Show ~
