馬浚偉 1712天前
北大EMBA碩士研究生畢業論文完成了; 北大EMBA缐上課堂3千字作業完成了; 2020年9月公演的舞台劇劇本完成了; 那麼,在舞台劇6月正式開始綵排前,必須先完成: 1) 「出色堂」首個自家製、以「精品咖啡」作引子的訪談節目,由馬咖啡師主理,受訪嘉賓星勢強勁,所以前期工課更要做足,錄影過程更順利 ...全文
馬浚偉 1712天前
北大EMBA碩士研究生畢業論文完成了; 北大EMBA缐上課堂3千字作業完成了; 2020年9月公演的舞台劇劇本完成了; 那麼,在舞台劇6月正式開始綵排前,必須先完成: 1) 「出色堂」首個自家製、以「精品咖啡」作引子的訪談節目,由馬咖啡師主理,受訪嘉賓星勢強勁,所以前期工課更要做足,錄影過程更順利 ...全文
Prudence_Liew_劉美君 2309天前
Rome wasn't built in one day. #coreStrength takes time to build. # Obliques #AbCrack # Abs don't come easy . . #SelfDiscipline begins with the mastery of your # mind . If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do. . Women have long blamed their pregnancy for ...全文
沈震軒Sammy 2531天前
這是我的劇組餐。堅持每一次拍攝的時候也吃得清淡。 #如何堅持就是不要看其他人的飯盒# #其實這是對吃貨最大的折磨# #selfdiscipline# #nopainnogain# #網劇蝕日風暴# #day9#
快乐星球集结地 139天前 北京
Recommended for those interested in #weight# _management, check out this documentary on dietary management titled "A Film About Sugar." Indeed, balanced eating is crucial for slimming down! Beyond that, learning how to enjoy your favorite foods while maintaining control over your ...全文
心碎夹心汪 153天前 北京
Stepping into August, as always, may you find peace and prosperity. #AugustMotivation# #SmoothSailingAugust# #AugustGreeting# #SelfDiscipline# #UnlockAugustProperly# #AugustMotivationFindYourBestSelf# #oc# 心碎夹心汪的🎞︎微博视频
情感解码 157天前 北京
Each child’s growth journey should include this illustrated time management enlightenment book, nurturing their self-discipline and initiative, guiding them positively. #parenting# #childrensTimeManagement# #selfDiscipline# #ig# 萌娃那点事儿的🎞︎微博视频
光影之间的故事 161天前 北京
In August, what will I attract? Besides slimness, beauty, and good fortune, what else can I possibly draw in! #DailyVlog# #LifestyleWeightLoss# #FitnessVlog# #EatSlimStayFull# #SelfDiscipline# #style# 技巧邮递员的🎞︎微博视频
星星相映的夜晚 166天前 北京
Still pondering what to fix for breakfast? How about some #wholewheat欧式bread# #selfdiscipline# ? #til# 生活技巧小达人的🎞︎微博视频
章章章L 1036天前
🚫 🍰 , 🌶️ and sleep early,Can I do that???#Selfdiscipline#
宇宙公民Mei 1553天前
#selfdiscipline # inspiration 🔗