一人一首心事 164天前 北京
Discover the enchanting melody of Zhou Shen's latest song #没关系# wrapped in his unique vocal charm. #ZhouShen# #NewSong# #RecommendedTunes# #oc# 一人一首心事的🎞︎微博视频
一人一首心事 164天前 北京
Discover the enchanting melody of Zhou Shen's latest song #没关系# wrapped in his unique vocal charm. #ZhouShen# #NewSong# #RecommendedTunes# #oc# 一人一首心事的🎞︎微博视频
sing音乐基地 166天前 北京
Let the tunes talk, not your words... #popularMelodies# #musicVibes# #charmingVoiceSweetSong# #recommendedTunes# #endlessListeningPleasure# #pop# sing音乐基地的🎞︎微博视频
听音笔记 171天前 北京
When my debts are all cleared, I plan to truly indulge in some revelry... #popularmelodies# #musicshare# #charmingvoiceandsong# #recommendedtunes# #endlesslistening# #bts# 听音笔记的🎞︎微博视频
听音笔记 175天前 北京
New tunes for your enjoyment, give them a thumbs up! I think this song is great and I'd like to share it with everyone! #IofferYearsaPotofWine# #GoodSongsFactory# #SingingOutdoors# #GrassrootsSingers# #RecommendedTunes# #joy# 听音笔记的🎞︎微博视频