khong2 1817天前
#photomontage# #photoshop# #照片合成# Just done with my latest obsession, Secret Garden. Probably will stop for a while. haha. #photomontages # photoshop #photoediting # shutdownnegativity #photoshoppractice
khong2 1817天前
#photomontage# #photoshop# #照片合成# Just done with my latest obsession, Secret Garden. Probably will stop for a while. haha. #photomontages # photoshop #photoediting # shutdownnegativity #photoshoppractice
b__o__o__o__o 2060天前
SEB JANIAK THE KINGDOM #sebjaniak # thekingdom #tibetanbookofthedead # cloud #clouds # photography #doubleexposure # superimposition #photomontage # themass #artgallery # artexhibition #展覧会 # アートギャラリー #セブジャニアック # チベット死者の書 #雲 # 写真 ...全文
XuanangTian 2329天前
摄影 #photomontage# #摄影蒙太奇# A picture is worth a thousand words.💭 ©️ Xuanang Tian 美国·纽约
英语乐园666 2421天前
#photomontage# 集成照片
一点也不雀跃 2563天前
布里斯托难得大雪,屁颠屁颠冲到大草原,正巧遇见一对男子,其中一个着色鲜艳,便咔咔咔拍完几张就哆哆嗦嗦回屋了。回头仔细看照片才发现自己创造了一个照片蒙太奇故事十分符合傲娇的腐国人民了,“你不回来扶我,我就把自己埋葬在这里!” #Photomontage#
遇合攝影_佳芳 2677天前
族繁不及備載..... 拍的不是識別證,而是青春。 #photomontage# #誰來找碴看看我放了幾個LOGO#
Prudence_Liew_劉美君 2931天前
#photomontage or # relationship , they both require work and #patience , give and take, definitely there'll be some sort of # compromise . The truth is, you'll only spend time on it when you're really into it, right? As long as he makes me happy, guess I'll keep him. 😉 #love # c ...全文
Oirucrem 3414天前
Technical tests of #photomontage with # fictitious #landscapes 🤐🎞 @ Reggio Nell Emilia 🔗