金玟池MINJI_Doreen 684天前 南京
kimminji 🎀#CHANELxMINJI# 【230214】 图片 230214|ellekorea更新玟池MINJI相关 #ELLEcoverstar # Minji #ChanelBeauty# “幸运的机会很快就要到来, 每当这种机会到来时我都会努力抓住.” 出道后每天都在创造新纪录的NewJeans MINJI作为香奈儿大使成为了ELLE 3月刊的Cover star‼️ 以 ...全文
金玟池MINJI_Doreen 684天前 南京
kimminji 🎀#CHANELxMINJI# 【230214】 图片 230214|ellekorea更新玟池MINJI相关 #ELLEcoverstar # Minji #ChanelBeauty# “幸运的机会很快就要到来, 每当这种机会到来时我都会努力抓住.” 出道后每天都在创造新纪录的NewJeans MINJI作为香奈儿大使成为了ELLE 3月刊的Cover star‼️ 以 ...全文
LV佩颐 1155天前
Simple and Cosy Living Room design for my new house. Should be done for garden, bedroom ,kitchen by next year. #keep more space# #new house# #suit for family # #credit to designer# #children running around the house#
Sanders雨可 1894天前
时尚教主#关于我中毒的种种 Dennis Song is the first designer that is featured by Lane Crawford Beijing’s VIP room. Nicely refurbished for this new rising star in contemporary design high jewellery. Formally worked at Cartier Design Team. The Palace Museum Collection is ...全文
EunisChan陳嘉容 3113天前
Hong Kong D I # fashion# image#competition# mpressed# new generation# architect#designer# image #fashion # model #styling # HKDI #fashionstylingaward # youngforce #newgeneration# hongkong#hk
leparadox 3382天前
#Molly Goddard# on #Le Paradox# - 🔗 #fashion# goes #bananas# #new designer#