轻盈瞄准 219天前
#meditation notes#
轻盈瞄准 231天前
Meditation notes We can flow our attention into something stressful or nourishing, or we can reverse the current, and let the world flow into us, touch us and even carry us. Many ways to be a human.#meditation notes#
轻盈瞄准 931天前 广州
Feel it. The thing that you don'twant to feel. Feel it. And be free. #meditation notes#
轻盈瞄准 1007天前
#meditation notes# on inner critic its natural to seek self-improvement, but it'll never bring us fulfillment if rooted in the belief that we are fundamentally defected as a person. our flaws make us human and whole.
轻盈瞄准 1011天前
productivity #meditation notes# day 8, 9&10 Just finished 10sessions! That’s really something. I’ll revisit it in May. · The skill is not getting caught up in the nature of the distraction but simply noticing when we are distracted. · productivity starts with intentio ...全文
轻盈瞄准 1017天前
productivity #meditation notes# day8 · There is a direct correlation between how we look after our bodies and how productive we are. · 睡眠以外,staying active and mobile in our bodies so also critical.
轻盈瞄准 1018天前
Productivity #meditation notes# day 6&7 · Bring this sense of productivity in life, not only just work. 1. intention. Beginning every activity with an intention to give it my whole-hearted attention and interest. 2. Focus. Ensure i am I distracted, and if I’m with somebody, he/ ...全文
轻盈瞄准 1023天前
productivity #meditation notes# day3 Be clear with your intention as you move through the day. - get rid of the distractions from the phone
- 1黄圣依没下车
- 2女生素颜艺考被擦妆5次
- 3三九来了冷冷冷冷模式开启
- 4麦琳李行亮都下车了
- 5韩国人顺产头
- 6泰警方称将确保中国人不被贩至他国
- 7撒贝宁走进国台酒智能酿造工厂
- 8葛夕没下车
- 9再见爱人4大结局
- 10美国洛杉矶山火完全失控
- 11创意反诈视频能救一个是一个
- 12全国174位星星被困缅甸联合求救文档
- 13夏志远醉酒直播骂老婆
- 14刘亦菲被挤到的表情
- 15李一桐 脏了我的手
- 16赵樱子自曝曾对成毅因戏生情
- 17B站拿下春晚转播权
- 18王星到园区第一天就挨了打
- 19刘亦菲夸孟子义好美
- 20再见爱人
- 21南京胖哥宣布妻子再次怀孕
- 22微博之夜最终轮
- 23杨紫微博之夜官宣
- 24上海通报俄罗斯商品馆检查情况
- 25孟子义李昀锐或将合体录制桃花坞
- 26无限暖暖
- 27月子中心跑路宝妈哭求月嫂留下
- 28赵樱子说刘学义暗恋过她
- 29将女友装行李箱带进宿舍张兴亮被禁赛
- 30susu福福
- 31墨总统讽刺性回应特朗普提议
- 32男性HPV感染率达90%
- 33异人之下
- 34肖战人物封面一小时销量
- 35泰缅边境失联模特经历与王星相似
- 36一上车以为自己出国了
- 37王星称在缅甸吃不饱没时间如厕
- 3817岁双胞胎学泡茶被质疑获父母支持
- 39刘强东同村人领到红包并不需要交税
- 40WTT从未公布过年度财务情况
- 41汪苏泷徐志胜李雪琴辽视春晚团建
- 42王俊凯谈饰演潜艇兵
- 43174名家属填写缅甸被困人员信息文档
- 44王暖暖建议去泰国玩不要去偏远地区
- 45小猫突然出现按下辞职报告发送键
- 46我国发现猴痘病毒Ib亚分支聚集性疫情
- 47锦囊妙录定档
- 48澳网郑钦文萨巴伦卡同区
- 49湖南科技大学刘俊杰
- 50李现几个镜头就让风流倜傥有了实感
- 51周杰伦三亚演唱会抢票