Fee1lix 106天前
Vogue Korea更新 特意在洛杉矶拍的路易威登大秀预热片 #협찬 # VogueRunway #Felix Wake up, Felix. ”It‘s time for the Louis Vuitton show to start” 在洛杉矶的Felix迎来了初晨。 digital editor NAMHEE GA film YEJIN KIM a.d. MINJU JEON, SUNYOUNG SIM gaffer JIN ...全文
金玟池MINJI_Doreen 701天前 南京
kimminji 🎀#CHANELxMINJI# 【230214】 图片 230214|ellekorea更新玟池MINJI相关 #ELLEcoverstar # Minji #ChanelBeauty# “幸运的机会很快就要到来, 每当这种机会到来时我都会努力抓住.” 出道后每天都在创造新纪录的NewJeans MINJI作为香奈儿大使成为了ELLE 3月刊的Cover star‼️ 以 ...全文
DewyLab淂意 1370天前
#Makeup For Skin Lover# 美与自由是值得永恒探讨的话题。 对于爱肤之人来说,肌肤是一种与世界对话的语言,细腻且令人欢喜的妆容我们是披荆斩棘的勇气。
光希心美後援 1479天前
木村光希#Repost @koki • • • • • • Thank you so much for having me @ellejapan! It's always an honor to be able to work with @kuri1936 and hope to see you very soon ! @kuri1936 と一緒に仕事ができて光栄です😊 またお会いできる日を楽しみにしています! Lots of lov ...全文
鄭惠玉ZoeTay 2363天前
👭📸💄👗👠♥️💋 August ELLE cover, Zoe & Rebecca. First cover shoot together, love it!😍 Thank you Elle, and all your supports. 🙏🏻💋♥️♥️ . #对惠玲的感情 # 优雅气质 #欣赏 # 超有默契 #对彼此的尊重和信任 # 难得一次的封面拍摄 #同事愛❤️ # 正能量滿滿 ...全文
ZING 2958天前
太阳晒 #ZingMakeup for @out.of.interest # HairAccessories #sun # gold #makeup # OutOfInterest 2016 Foto: 🔗
LisaEldridge 2946天前
So happy to be unwrapping and trying on my replacement yellow sapphire today (the original was stolen) on Insta stories and 👻thelisaeldridge 💍Filmed this #makeup look for # lancome just before it arrived (tutorial will be out in the new year!) 💄🔗
LisaEldridge 247天前
The Inimitable Helena Bonham Carter for last nights TV Baftas red carpet 🖤🖤🖤 What a beauty … those cheekbones!! 🥰 Dress @viviennewestwood Hair Carol Hemming Makeup by me #lisaeldridgemakeup Helena is wearing : ⭐️Seamless Skin Foundation No.7 🪐Elevated Glow ...全文
OnAuraToutVu 692天前
@daphnegroeneveld wearing gladiator boots by #OnAuraToutVu in @muglerofficial for BAZAAR i@ @gregswalesart style @leilareira @harpersbazaargreece IC @eleni_pateraki hair @dimitrishair makeup @manthony783 production @uprisingproductions_ @is_olgaly @annamakovchik DP ...全文
宋小敏的事 809天前 长沙
#make up for ever# cy#MakeUp ForEver代言人成毅# 成毅,不变初心,破格持型。 很高兴成为@MakeUpForEver中国 中国区代言人!和他一起,展现原生自我 宋小敏的事的🎞︎微博视频