Nannobrycon 3133天前
#疑犯追踪# #POI# #person of interest# #root# #johnreese# #sameenshaw# #haroldfinch# #lionel fusco# The three of us enjoy preventing crimes involving ordinary people #这集真精彩,方方面面# #其实这是我一直想看到的,被救过的POI们最后来救小队#
Nannobrycon 3133天前
#疑犯追踪# #POI# #person of interest# #root# #johnreese# #sameenshaw# #haroldfinch# #lionel fusco# The three of us enjoy preventing crimes involving ordinary people #这集真精彩,方方面面# #其实这是我一直想看到的,被救过的POI们最后来救小队#
Hello不想吃不想吃的 2963天前
She is my hero, always. 小分队救了我的命和心。我只是为爱而生。<If you remember me, anyone else can forget.> <If you remember us, anyone else can forget.> <Till Death Do Us Part> <只有死亡可能将我们分开> #Harold Finch# #John Reese# #Sameen Shaw# #Root# #Lionel Fusco# #Joss Carter#
Nannobrycon 3060天前
#疑犯追踪# #POI# #Person of interest# #sameen shaw# #Lionel Fusco# #Kevin Chapman# #Sarah Shahi# 309“The Crossing” SS:“Lionel. It is gonna be okay. Lee is fine, but the guy they sent to kill him isn't doing so good. Figured these scumbags would come after your kid.” (莱奈尔,没 ...全文
污震天 3301天前
#POI# #豆四# # Lionel Fusco# #John Reese# 一个关于豆豆英雄救美的故事(。) 轻微药物桥段,雷者慎点。 (专发POI的那个号抽了,躲到这个号来发文_(:зゝ∠)_ 🔗
江水_累 3570天前
#POI# #豆根# #Lionel Fusco x Root # ←注意,主cp,有汉娜&根和肖根。 应援TM巨巨的豆根脑洞(((( 永寂 豆根 Lionel Fusco x Root
All-wonder 3805天前
壁纸(tumblr:lindi590)#Amy Acker# #Jim Caviezel# #Michael Emerson# #Sarah Shahi# #POI# #Lionel Fusco#
丹丹爱朱一龙的事不能少 4072天前
#POI# #Lionel Fusco# #John Reese# 许个愿……虽然预告令人不安,相信豆豆一定安然无恙!!!!要不然……以后谁给Wonderboy和Mr. Glasses起外号……谁跟Carter默契搭档……他儿子怎么办啊啊啊啊啊啊[bm大哭]
被拉-做自己的保护神 4447天前
#POI205# #Detective Lionel Fusco# 豆豆太帅了,有勇有谋什么的,爱儿子的好爹TUT
【the king, the bishop, the castle, the… stud】哈哈哈哈哈哈!欺负豆豆是日常吗~XDDDD 原图都是GIF,ms渣浪不能拼动图╭(╯^╰)╮ 原汤戳动图:🔗 #Mr.Reese# #Mr.Finch# #JOSS CARTER# #LIONEL FUSCO# #POI#