AllForJay_周杰伦 1994天前
周杰伦#今天周杰伦更新ins了吗# 【2019/07/19】ig 更新 jaychou:Our objective today was to walk from #harajuku to # shibuya ✌🏻Thank u for sharing and taking me on a trip down memory lane @kaws #kawsholiday 😁 旅游博主上线
AllForJay_周杰伦 1994天前
周杰伦#今天周杰伦更新ins了吗# 【2019/07/19】ig 更新 jaychou:Our objective today was to walk from #harajuku to # shibuya ✌🏻Thank u for sharing and taking me on a trip down memory lane @kaws #kawsholiday 😁 旅游博主上线
一个喜欢周杰伦的女孩 1994天前
周杰伦#周杰伦超话# 周杰伦IG更新 jaychou: Our objective today was to walk from #harajuku to shibuya Thank u for sharing and taking me on a trip down memory lane @kaws # kawsholiday
mayli0501 2911天前
#let's go to party# japan#harajuku# 原宿#enjoy# friend#友達# sunny#sunny☀️ # friday#icecream# yummy @ 原宿 竹下通り 🔗
ShenLim炫林 3543天前
被強制換衣lol #東京 # 原宿 #誰說我不能裝酷! Forced to change my fashion lol # Tokyo #Harajuku # WhoSayICantActCool!! 🔗