欢迎小主! 162导航


  • 励志班三连万紫纤 550天前 

    红色堇年#三连亦有鸿鹄志,当骑骏马踏平川# 上周综英老师说这周要听写单词和背课文,有点小紧张,还没背完,刚好趁着这个早读好好的读一读背一背#gwen每日早读# #早# #就这一刻# ;@赣青团学 @江西教育电视台 @井冈山大学 @青春井大 @井冈山大学红色励志教育培训班 ...全文

  • e

    elfin是Zoe 599天前 保定

    三月💦 #Gwen每日早读#

  • 闪闪Iris 677天前 深圳

    DAY 57 1.10 早读原文 I need somebody to heal, somebody to know, Somebody to have, somebody to hold. It's easy to say but it's never the same. I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain. #gwen每日早读# 1.10 早读 | 我需要有人能治愈我、懂得我、陪伴我、珍惜我

  • G

    GQian1前 689天前 保定

    【把自己当成一个公司来经营】 1、个人品牌 (1)唯一不属于公司的、能带走的是你自己的品牌和声誉。 (2)以独立的身份,为客户提供服务。 (3)多做一些作品,多去参加一些活动,多发表自己的见解 (4)你要不断去放大你的名字,让有需求的人知道你,联系你,完成连接。   2、认知思维  传统企业: ...全文

  • 爱春的气息 14小时前 杭州

    #Gwen每日早读# Day2349 11.17早读Love is beautiful thing.When you find it,the whole world tastes like daffodil daydream.爱情美妙无比。当它来临时,整个世界仿佛都充满水仙花的香气

  • 嘉乐89757 1天前 宝鸡

    #gwen每日早读# #gwen每日听写# We've never, ever been self-made. We've always been made and unmade by each other.

  • 空白13199201707 2天前 重庆

    Day 13 All cowardice comes from not loving, or not loving well, which is the same thing #gwen每日早读#

  • 小样样是美男 2天前 镇江

    Day642 All cowardice comes from not loving, or not loving well, which is the same thing. 11.15 早读 | 所有的懦弱都出自于没有爱或爱得不够彻底 #gwen每日早读#

  • 肖垚王子妈咪 2天前 乌鲁木齐

    #Gwen每日早读# Day1899 11.15早读All cowardice comes from not loving, or not loving well, which is the same thing.所有的懦弱都来自缺爱或爱得不够彻底.

  • W

    Winter71792 2天前 长沙

    Day399 11.15早读原文 All cowardice comes from not loving, or not loving well, which is the same thing. @TeacherGwen 5.19每日早读打卡 #Gwen每日早读# A little effort every day,you will make big difference. 如何参加万人早读,和一万多小伙伴一起共同学习进步:保存下方二维码,添加好 ...全文

  • 是甜甜的西瓜呀 2天前 日照

    #Gwen每日早读# Day21 All cowardice comes from not loving, or not loving well, which is the same thing. 11.15 早读 | 所有的懦弱都出自于没有爱或爱得不够彻底

  • 用户7427045065 2天前 营口

    Day732 All cowardice comes from not loving, or not loving well, which is the same thing11.15每日早读/听写 打卡#Gwen每日早读# #gwen每日听写# A little effort every day, you’ll make a big difference. 如何参加万人早读,和几万名小伙伴一起共同学习进步:保存下方二维码,添加好友时发送: ...全文

  • N

    No52019 2天前 

    #Gwen每日早读# Day206 11.15 早读 | 所有的懦弱都出自于没有爱或爱得不够彻底

  • 胡小昀的玫瑰 2天前 

    #Gwen每日早读# Day1433 All cowardice comes from not loving, or not loving well, which is the same thing.
