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#english learning#

  • 摇摇摆摆的小蓝 12天前 上海

    #english learning# D154 再续起来

  • 树里的猫头鹰 218天前 

    #My 100th restart of English learning plan🫠# The sparkle in daily life❤️

  • V

    Vida英语 859天前 昆明

    #bbc learning English# 一起学点 Vida英语的🎞︎微博视频

  • 秀色可3 1331天前 

    词汇课5个有关pretty的短语,今天这个美女好漂亮啊#英语# #学习打卡# #美女# #english learning# EnglishwithLucy EnglishWithLucyCN的🎞︎微博视频

  • M

    Michael_P_Toothman 1883天前 

    In this video, our English coach Stefanie, discusses the ten most common mistakes English-learners make. These are common mistakes my students make - even those who are advanced English speakers. Listen to the video and make good notes, so you will never make these types of mis ...全文

  • 老朱英语 1868天前 

    #BBC Learning English# 有些同学对新闻英语有恐惧感。还没听就投降,导致四级听力涉及新闻英语的部分得分不高,其实,那并不难。可由于平时训练少,当然失分就多了。雅思,四六级考生请注意:BBC跟VOA一样,也有自己主办的英语学习节目,《BBC News Reveiw》就是它的节目之一,每周一期,10分钟左右 ...全文

  • A

    AdamBobrow 2822天前 

    English with Adam: Episode 1 "Nostril" #English# #learning# #fun# 台湾·永康商圈 秒拍视频

  • 冰天赋橦光 2924天前 

    #Learning English# 中国学生很喜欢滥用because of,because of在非正式语体中多用于找借口,是消极的意义。例如Because of this lotion my skin becomes inflamed and irritated.;如果想表达积极意义的话可以用【thanks to】。 Thanks to this lotion my skin looks healthy.

  • 9

    9988王-勇雅思 3813天前 

    #BBC Learning English# 我整理好了2014年7月~9月的【BBC听力素材】,大家可以点击链接打包下载:🔗 【BBC听力素材】一共有四档节目,分别适合不同听力基础的学生,各档节目的难度介绍和使用方法,请点击查看:【BBC Learning English】听力素材使用方法 – 王勇老师 大家加油!感谢BBC!

  • 商学院Master 4166天前 

    【Raj ,我们做朋友吧!!】内容来自《生活大爆炸》S07E04 另附:英语达人告诉你,如何用美剧真正提升你的英语水平#English Learning# 🔗

  • 树里的猫头鹰 205天前 

    The memories in Chengdu and Dali❤️成都 大理 #My 100th restart of English learning plan🫠# #nights with bella❤️#

  • 摇摇摆摆的小蓝 3天前 上海

    #english learning# D157

  • 米大爷_M 7天前 北京

    A moody person’s emotions can change quickly, like the weather changing from sunny to stormy without much warning. They might be cheerful one moment and unhappy the next. So, hanging out with a moody person requires patience and understanding, as their feelings can be very unpr ...全文

  • Z

    Zhiyun我就是我 12天前 广州

    Spending “me time” in a tranquil place is a wonderful way to relax and recharge. Whether it’s a quiet corner of a local park, a quaint coffee shop, or just chilling at home on your sofa, finding that special place where you can unwind and reflect is important for both our ment ...全文

  • B

    BreakingBaldPatrick 37天前 武汉

    #Patrick's English Learning# #Back Translation Practice# #回译训练# 1️⃣Unfortunately, our typical attitudes towards the endings, no matter of emotional or career matters, are far from sanguine. 2️⃣Unfortunately, our typical attitude towards endings, whether of relationships or ...全文

  • 威爸视角 69天前 

    Don't spend another year doing the same shit ! You “normal” day is someone 's dream, so be thankful everyday ! Just believe, No body met you by accident. God have pkan everything. You either quit or keep going. They both Hurt. Choice wisely. About the last picture, What doe ...全文

  • 摇摇摆摆的小蓝 95天前 上海

    #english learning# D152

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    091日记 102天前 

    #091’s English learning# 第二轮 深度记忆 更新一下进度…

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    091日记 142天前 

    打卡1#091’s English learning#

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    091日记 142天前 

    从今天起我会在此平台此账号持续学习英语,打卡英语单词。#091’s English learning#
