CUFEstudent 385天前 北京
Employment law Employment law is the most important piece of law in the daily work of the British people, so what is its legislative purpose?#Employment law#
CUFEstudent 385天前 北京
Employment law Employment law is the most important piece of law in the daily work of the British people, so what is its legislative purpose?#Employment law#
ts900692 641天前
人们常说人生不易,都是人生经历和渗悟的产出!谁都希望未来可期且平顺,还需为未来铺路和设垫!基于23的三个目标位: #1.2028:55+10years employment +10years Social Security Credits; # 2.2035: minimal limit + kids graduation, #3. 2043:maximum limit + retirement!
留学高分Assignment帮做Exam助攻 652天前 广州
#留学生# #今日高分feedback 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 birmingham Employment Law 80/80 💯 [努力][努力][努力]# 英国essay#
纸飞机的幻想Alice 755天前
It was such a special year for me. I've achieved another lifelong goal by finishing my postgraduate degree in the UK #universitylife. I am proud of myself for graduating with Merit grades as an international student in the UK while juggling work and school. And i wouldn’t have ...全文
essay写作指导 793天前
#MonashUniversity Employment Law BTX3991 final考试时间已出 资料齐全 可以滴滴哦# essay写作## essay## dissertation#assignment
JKmusicalnfilms-關蕙真-DJ-jk 1247天前
Thx so much “ Cle de Peau Beauté” for the multi-year global partnership with “ Unicef “ in supporting worldwide girl’s empowerment, employment and education programs. #unicef # cledepeaubeaute #charity # womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen # education #employment # girl ...全文
Septemberr8th 1303天前
雅思 0522 首考结束!深圳赛格机考~ 其实不抱太大希望 但也算个好的开始啦 - 口语考前还遇到了两位很好的小姐姐 目标考去马来西亚的和研究生的姐姐 希望你们考试都能如愿以偿哇 - 凭印象写一下我考到的题目: 听力#……记不得了 反正填空特别多 阅读# 1一种很稀有 ...全文
我就是我-星光不问赶路人 1656天前
Food stalls back on Chinese streets! Inspired and encouraged by Premier #LiKeqiang, street vendors have mushroomed throughout China, which injects vitality to city life and boosts employment in the aftermath of # COVID19 outbreak.