德国DETAX口腔 553天前
最后一天,欢迎莅临意大利口腔展DETAX展台!Drop by @DETAX Booth 👉🏻Padiglione A3, booth 026 😀Veronika & Alessia are happy to meet you. #DETAX # expodentalmeeting #dentalexhibition # 3Dprintmaterials #3dprinting # 3D #freeprint # digitaldentistry
德国DETAX口腔 553天前
最后一天,欢迎莅临意大利口腔展DETAX展台!Drop by @DETAX Booth 👉🏻Padiglione A3, booth 026 😀Veronika & Alessia are happy to meet you. #DETAX # expodentalmeeting #dentalexhibition # 3Dprintmaterials #3dprinting # 3D #freeprint # digitaldentistry
德国DETAX口腔 553天前
谢谢您的莅临@英国伯明翰牙科展 Birmingham, H 😀Alessia & Mountaga were excited to meet you #DETAX # DTS #dentaltechnologyshowcase # 3Dprintmaterials #freeprint # 3D #digitaldentistry
德国DETAX口腔 2369天前
#BIAConf2018 欢迎拜访DETAX展台B20! Visit us at DETAX Booth B20! 1-3 Jun 2018, Beijing, China # 3Dprinting