欢迎小主! 162导航


  • C

    CGTNGlobalBusiness 145天前 北京

    【北京中轴线申遗成功,一起漫步北京“龙脊”】近日,#北京中轴线# 被@联合国教科文组织 列为#世界遗产# 。这条历史轴线,全长7.8公里,从南部的#永定门# 延伸至北部的#钟鼓楼# ,是北京古代城市设计的核心。戳视频,跟随CGTN邱瑜一起漫步这条北京“龙脊”吧! Beijing's #Centralaxis has been recognize ...全文

  • E

    EFFECTAUDIO 421天前 南宁

    #sound.# #design.# #perfection.# 匠心打造每一款便携盒。 #皮革的艺术# #美拉德色系#

  • E

    EFFECTAUDIO 425天前 南京

    #sound.# #design.# #perfection.# 追求卓越和引领线材的最前沿设计是每一代旗舰产品都在坚持的事。追求卓越 —— 对于UP-OCC银镀金材质的不断探索,是从Horus鲜活细腻到CENTURION殿堂级的华丽精致; 引领线材最前沿设计 ——是从2018年就采用了3D镀玫瑰金设计到2021年采用了CNC钛合金双层分线器设计。 ...全文

  • E

    EFFECTAUDIO 444天前 南宁

    #sound.# #design.# #perfection.# FUSION1 拥有极具氛围感与饱满的人声表现,这迷人的质感一部分功劳源自于其中的UP-OCC银镀金材质(这是首次将这么优质的材质应用在万元级以下的线材中),另一部分则得益于FUSION1的双股线芯设计,双股线芯设计相对于4芯/8芯而言,我们可以更为精准地把控材质混合的 ...全文

  • E

    EFFECTAUDIO 447天前 南宁

    非常开心#GAEA# 能成为 @eddie 大佬众多收藏的塞子之一。GAEA盖亚 – 灵感源自大地之母,由@ElysianAcousticLabs & @EFFECTAUDIO 共同设计,选择了最像地球颜色的蓝色稳定木作为主要设计元素,同时应用在了耳机面板与升级线材的全套配件上,让GAEA 无论是声音还是颜值,都达到了无比的统一与协调。 ...全文

  • 理想丨今年几岁 711天前 

    #Repost @arabica.journal with @use.repost ・・・ Singapore, our newest store for you is all ready. The design is simple, but you can see our passion for design. This is % Singapore store no.6, our global store no.141, % ΔRΔBICΔ Singapore Marina Bay Sands, opening today. We ...全文

  • S

    Schon_magazine 800天前 

    To move ahead. To view life as half full rather than half empty. To be in charge of one’s life and live knowing that forward is always the best possible direction. With @nike Forward, this is possible. After 5 years of research, the development of ...全文

  • 失眠一周丶 880天前 拉萨

    #Repost @arabica.journal with @use.repost ・・・ Shanghai, our newest store is all ready, and this time, we are fortunate to be able to open inside of Thomas Heatherwick's 1000 Trees. With homage to his amazing design, we created our version of interior design. This is % Shangh ...全文

  • M

    MichaelLearnsToRock 998天前 

    昨天是复活节,不仅是西方的一个重要的宗教节日,也是算的上是西方国家的一个小长假。刚刚结束巡演的MLTR浏览了当地的设计艺术博物馆,Jascha也与家人一起度过了治愈的时光。 图1:Happy Easter Photo: @skjaerbaektroels #michaellearnstorock visiting @trapholt museum of modern art, craft and d ...全文

  • J

    JIAOZAO设计人 1114天前 

    重庆茂悦府/焦躁设计 套内95.1m² 造价38W 暗黑系空间 一个人住的杜鹃花和伏特加. #JIAOZAO DESIGN. # 重庆室内设计#

  • T

    TauaWang 1539天前 

    MICAM 90 # Intervista [SHOES&BAGS]MPA Giornalista : Cosa pensi della situazione attuale? Taua Wang: Il virus purtroppo esiste, ciò che è successo è successo, ma la vita deve continuare, la bellezza deve continuare, quella dell’arte, del design. È come una medicina che può aiut ...全文
