欢迎小主! 162导航


  • L

    LisaEldridge 691天前 

    It’s not usual to clinically test cleansers and face masks for efficacy and results but all my testers and I could see what was happening to our skin (not to mention the compliments !) so i wanted an independent lab to verify what i was seeing and feeling . The results don’t li ...全文

  • L

    LisaEldridge 687天前 

    Using my new skincare I remove a full face of long wearing and waterproof makeup … not to mention a killer red lip ! 🔗 #makeup# skincare#skin# #cleanser# LisaEldridge的🎞︎微博视频

  • M

    MDSUN妍心赏 137天前 大连

    #洁面# #万圣节# 将至,玩嗨的同时别忘了自己的肌肤健康,彻底卸妆清洁尤为重要! ✨干敏皮卸妆/洁面二合一: #保湿洁面露Revitalizing Cleanser 添加多重修护抗氧化因子,养卸合一,干净不干燥 ✨油敏皮卸妆/洁面二合一: # 净颜洁面露 Active Cleanser 含有AHA果酸、维生素B5及大豆蛋白成分,吸尘净油, ...全文

  • L

    LisaEldridge 619天前 

    The summer holiday essentials 🏝️☀️ The days of the double cleanse are OVER! My Treatment Cleanser is clinically proven to remove even the most stubborn waterproof SPF 50 and long wearing, waterproof makeup in one go! Also improves hydration and moisturisation levels in the ...全文

  • L

    LisaEldridge 691天前 

    Meticulously tested & diligently researched over many years, my first two skincare formulations are finally here and live on my website! 💫 🔗 #lisaeldridge# #skincare# #cleanser# #lisaeldridgemakeup # #mist# #lisaeldridgemakeup#

  • 一颗蘑菇头上长 972天前 无锡

    #Housework# #Cleanser# 🧴 分享最近在用KA菁华的内衣净 我太喜欢Lululemon门店的香氛了,每次去都要猛吸几口气,是我爱的柑橘调啊 得知是ScentAir特别为品牌定制的托斯卡纳橙,不对个人销售,马上去🍠看了一眼替代,大家都安利KA菁华的三合一洗衣凝珠,但家里还剩好多公司以前发的洗衣液,就先试了 ...全文

  • S

    SAM山姆老師 1208天前 

    #2021网路周年庆# 🛍 必 Buy 保养 ~ CONTIN 康定【 酵素植萃洗发乳 】& 肌肤清洁系列!任意搭优惠活动!🧄 洁净、调理、养护一次完成!~ 从年轻开始,选择一款合适的养护洗发精,对我们来说非常的重要!当初会吸引我使用的原因是“ 它的成分 ”康定 CONTIN 研发了三年多的时间,只为了研发了这 ...全文
