愛回家mandy謝芷倫 804天前
Where is it? ❤️ 走進莫內的世界 🖼 Thanks for inviting me to the En Voyage with Claude Monet VIP session. #尋找足印莫內 # monet #沉浸體驗展香港 # 莫內 #claudemonet # EnVoyageMonetHK#莫内# 謝芷倫JanTse的🎞︎微博视频
愛回家mandy謝芷倫 804天前
Where is it? ❤️ 走進莫內的世界 🖼 Thanks for inviting me to the En Voyage with Claude Monet VIP session. #尋找足印莫內 # monet #沉浸體驗展香港 # 莫內 #claudemonet # EnVoyageMonetHK#莫内# 謝芷倫JanTse的🎞︎微博视频
CGTNculture 1672天前
【印象派画家莫奈笔下的《睡莲》灵感来源莫奈花园重新开放】Claude Monet’s gardens, the inspiration for his famous “Water Lilies” paintings, reopened to the public in Giverny, Normandy, as France emerges from three months of lockdown. The gardens usually swarm with tourists, attra ...全文
宇宙最强少女时代的丸子们 2408天前
少女时代## 现在是少女时代#180607# 少女时代# Yuri instagram更新 yulyulk 제일제일좋았던 곳 좀 더 공부하고 한번 더 와야지 :) # VincentvanGogh #EdouardManet # ClaudeMonet #AugusteRenoir # EdgarDegas #PaulGauguin # PaulCézanne
少女时代_SNSDCN 2408天前
【instagram】少女时代 权俞利 180607 yulyulk: ① 最喜欢的地方 应该多做点准备再来的啊:) #VincentvanGogh# #EdouardManet# #ClaudeMonet# #AugusteRenoir# #EdgarDegas# #PaulGauguin# #PaulCézanne# ②#Renoir# 背影太美好了
buckyybae 2716天前
#ClaudeMonet# - Clifftop Walk at Pourville, 1882 - Cliff at Fecamp, 1881 - Port Donnant, Belle Ile, 1886 - Cliffs at Amont, 1885 - Cliff at Grainval,1882 - Morning at Etretat, 1883 - Pourville, 1882 - The Manneport, Cliff at Etretat, 1883 - Calm Weather, Fecamp, 1881
jasont319 238天前
Just some world famous paintings (“世界名畫”) by Vincent van Gogh, Monet and Leonardo da Vinci at the National Gallery. 🎨🖌️🇬🇧 #Art # Painting #Worldfamous # vincentvangogh #claudemonet # leonardodavinci #Nationalgallery # London 英国·国家美术馆
东至龚金发 604天前
艾戈AI 介绍画家莫奈 艾戈AI介绍画家克劳德莫奈 Monet Hey everyone! Have you heard of the famous French artist Claude Monet? He is one of the most well-known impressionist painters of all time and has a breathtaking collection of artwork that continues to awe people even today. ...全文
托马斯KOLE 904天前 广州
#Great ClaudeMonet# 细节,光的细节。我只画图,不想作用,色彩不做插图。终极是特纳。//@Kevin_McCarthy:美丽的 👍 #claude monet#
慢饮酒馆WineAdagio 1046天前
2.28 再见2月,再见莫奈 Vigna del Capannino Chianti Classico Gran Selezione by #Bibbiano# The Cliff Etretat Sunset by #ClaudeMonet# 郑州·慢饮酒馆Wine Adagio
cest_elle 1453天前
羊凸币夲 1510天前
他在画光 他是学院派的异类 画作模特都是他的女孩卡米耶 如若没有天空之王布丹,他永远不会成为画家 连作追光 手稿无数 日出·印象作于1872年11月13日7:35am 他是启蒙后世画家寻找自己独一无二画风的精神领袖 他的所有生活磨难都是艺术 美是没有标准的 #ClaudeMonet# #莫奈日出印象展# ...全文