蔡淑臻janel 1611天前
今天下午~ 我們的選角指導飄過來默默扶著我的肩膀說:親愛的,你入圍了~ 當時的我正在跟導演討論這一場要讓觀眾看到什麼面向呢? 哎呀⋯真是痛苦⋯那個因為入圍的我一直從身體裡面想要衝出來開心的、愉悅地萬馬奔騰一下呢⋯🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎 ⋯但正在拍攝的角色正因失去重要的人而感到悲傷呢 ...全文
蔡淑臻janel 1611天前
今天下午~ 我們的選角指導飄過來默默扶著我的肩膀說:親愛的,你入圍了~ 當時的我正在跟導演討論這一場要讓觀眾看到什麼面向呢? 哎呀⋯真是痛苦⋯那個因為入圍的我一直從身體裡面想要衝出來開心的、愉悅地萬馬奔騰一下呢⋯🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎 ⋯但正在拍攝的角色正因失去重要的人而感到悲傷呢 ...全文
vivian_陳慧敏 1780天前
🎉🎉號外🥳🥳喜訊🎊🎊 勞嘉濠執導!FreeDream飛夢映画作品!我有份主演!澳門電影《Let's Sing 熱唱吧!》!入圍「第9屆法國尼斯國際電影節」,並榮獲 「最佳外語電影」、「最佳外語片女主角」、「最佳原創配樂」三項提名!恭喜晒導演!做音樂創作的蘇耀光!意想不到我以演員身份可以入圍 ...全文
FSRX17 2515天前
# Best Actress # 85 86 87 88 89 90
偶像磕颜所 177天前 北京
Casually singing sounds this enchanting #Ladygaga# #Ladygaga# engagement## #Ladygaga# nominated for Oscar Best Actress## #all# 偶像磕颜所的🎞︎微博视频
Capeileen 613天前 嘉兴
都是我喜欢的#best actress# 🌹
小乌鸦电影 827天前 贵阳
# Lim Yoon-a nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the 58th Dae-jung Film Awards for her role in "Help 2". Funny sister-in-law is so cute [Ha ha][Ha ha][Ha ha] Congratulations Lim Yoon-ah! 🎉🎉🎉# Lim Yoon-a nominated for Best Supporting Actress at Daejong Film Festival ...全文
vanessa___vv 2117天前
See Tickets: Theatre: Interval time, let's try to chill out with the cast from @HPinterTheatre #Betrayal and Best Actress @PatsyFerran # olivierawards 🔗
用户Huber23 2142天前
Hello Guys 😁. I am just on vacation with my best friend. We have a nice time together. Her cat feels very good. Greetings from south West Germany. Alex #alex_bianca.h# #musical actress alex_bianca.h# #holiday# #Best friends# 德国·mannheim
折俞_ 2163天前
Legen-Wait For It... DARIES! #The Academy’s Director’s Nominee Dinner# #they should host a nominee dinner just for best supporting actress just saying#
Catching_Fire 2450天前
HOLD ON A MINUTE (OR 1000), Sandra Oh did NOT ever win an Emmy for Grey’s Anatomy? All she has is a Golden Globe? And in the wis words of Billy Eichner, THAT doesn’t count! #OMG, the traumatic memory of them giving the best supporting actress Emmy to Katherine Heigl over her th ...全文