演员_南宮珉 3301天前
#뭐라고?# 웅얘기해봐 #말리본# 수트#bespokesuit # 인성이땡큐👔
演员_南宮珉 3301天前
#뭐라고?# 웅얘기해봐 #말리본# 수트#bespokesuit # 인성이땡큐👔
李浩铭Houser 2001天前
Last Summer with friend in LEON Magazine-Milano #bespokesuit # dandy #asiansuits # su @ Tenoha Milano 🔗
李浩铭Houser 2194天前
這套搭配,有點好看👌How?#浩色美学 # stylish #suitstyle # suit #bespokesuit # bespoke #greensuit # mensfashio @ Taiwan 🔗
李小慢Slowlybaby 2260天前
This place full of stories, people dare not speak. photo:me model:刘皓 add:平和打包厂 #bespokesuit # scab 🔗
秦国君_Arturo 2428天前
Marmor suit for men #sarto # sartoria #sartorial # handmadesuit #bespokesuit # mens @ Guangzhou, China 🔗
紳士設計師肯尼Kenny 2635天前
/ New black 有人說咖啡色是new black。 我倒覺得它是new gray,就像是灰色調ㄧ樣,給人低調沉靜充滿智慧知性的氣質。 #Kennyyen # gentleman #like4like # ootd #mnswr # mensuit #suit # tailor #taiwan # mensfashion #menstyle # mensweardaily #satorial # bespoke #bespokesuit # dandy ...全文
紳士設計師肯尼Kenny 2636天前
/ Coming soon #Kennyyen # gentleman #like4like # ootd #mnswr # mensuit #suit # tailor #taiwan # mensfashion #menstyle # mensweardaily #satorial # bespoke #bespokesuit # dandy #menstreetstyle # fashion #tailormade # suitup #loafers # dailylook #dappermen # mensstyle #mensfitness # mensshirt ...全文
紳士設計師肯尼Kenny 2641天前
/ 說啥呢? 我滿好奇,這時候我跟林馬克Marc Lin在說什麼🤔? #Kennyyen # gentleman #like4like # ootd #mnswr # mensuit #suit # tailor #taiwan # mensfashion #menstyle # mensweardaily #satorial # bespoke #bespokesuit # dandy #menstreetstyle # fashion #tailormade # suitup #loafers # dailylook ...全文
紳士設計師肯尼Kenny 2641天前
/ 紳紳雙人組 與紳士好友陳保羅Paul去年拍的照片,我覺得滿好的👌 #Kennyyen # gentleman #like4like # ootd #mnswr # mensuit #suit # tailor #taiwan # mensfashion #menstyle # mensweardaily #satorial # bespoke #bespokesuit # dandy #menstreetstyle # fashion #tailormade # suitup #loafers # dailylo ...全文
紳士設計師肯尼Kenny 2647天前
/ 十人十色 我也不知道為什麼來到鞋展,結果是跟車合照?! #Kennyyen # gentleman #like4like # ootd #mnswr # mensuit #suit # tailor #taiwan # mensfashion #menstyle # mensweardaily #satorial # bespoke #bespokesuit # dandy #menstreetstyle # fashion #tailormade # suitup #loafers # dailylook ...全文
紳士設計師肯尼Kenny 2652天前
有人說粉紅色是娘們在穿的顏色, 我認為應該是你的態度不夠爺們! #Kennyyen # gentleman #like4like # ootd #mnswr # mensuit #suit # tailor #taiwan # mensfashion #menstyle # mensweardaily #satorial # bespoke #bespokesuit # dandy #menstreetstyle # fashion #tailormade # suitup #loafers # dappermen ...全文