可宇可宙 497天前
230908 官方油管更新 宇宙少女李夏天相关预告 [#SPODAZZU] Inviting you to the scene when YEOREUM's activities and your memories became a time full of happiness💌💖 Please come and join us at 8PM KST for # UZZUTAPE #WJSN
可宇可宙 497天前
230908 官方油管更新 宇宙少女李夏天相关预告 [#SPODAZZU] Inviting you to the scene when YEOREUM's activities and your memories became a time full of happiness💌💖 Please come and join us at 8PM KST for # UZZUTAPE #WJSN
GOJOIN狗叫男团 760天前 益阳
光遇陪玩GOJOIN 𝐆𝐎 𝐉𝐎𝐈𝐍·圣诞星旅🌲🔜🎄 #Christmas activities# 🎊 狗叫男团邀您12.23-30共度圣诞🦌 盖圣诞小屋(っ˘зʕ•̫͡•ʔ—— 52 88 99 /🍬(2r) 288 388 520 /🍫 (5r) 666 888 1314 1520/🍗 (10r) 2222 2999/🍰(50r) 🎄· ...全文
剑桥大学英语考评部 1003天前
#Free Activities# "There's no doubt that this is the best electric car you can buy." The speaker is ____. 🔗
DefinitelyCoco 1358天前
#coco‘s outdoor activities# We chill everyday🕶️ #浆板# 万宁·打浪海南冲浪俱乐部
翻硕君 1905天前
英语热词(翻译硕士词条)(翻硕词条)翻硕君热词 减轻学习负担academic burden reduction 课后培训机构after-school training institutions 应试教育exam-oriented education 公布成绩和班级排名make grades and class rankings public 入学率enrollment rates 考试分数 test scores 学生减负 ...全文
thefin_非公式 2130天前
thefin Ryosuke于2019.3.27退出The fin. 以下是原文: 2019.03.20 Ryosuke Odagaki leaves the band on March 27, 2019 The event organized by The fin. at Daikanyama UNIT on March 27th, "#thefin_01", will be the last show for Ryosuke Odagaki (Gt) who will withdraw from the band. ...全文
【#旅行记·Christmas Activities# 】活动一:圣诞送祝福·赢专辑 活动内容:1.关注新浪微博@Journey旅行记 官博 2.在本帖下留言对偶吧的圣诞祝福 奖励:25日我们会选取一位幸运的亲故得到【MAMACITA A版裸专一张+旅行记开站至今名片组一份】活动地址 🔗 (站内注册登录后可查看)
百度独立音乐站 3663天前
#Popular activities# 2015年金属乐的第一声巨响,尽在——【唤觉音乐2015开年金属盛典】,时间:01月17日,地点:北京 东城区 鼓楼东大街111号 MAO livehouse!@Pogo看演出 @瘢痕体质乐队 @奉天乐队 @永恒之翼乐队 @无有乐队 @平均律乐队 百度音乐人
baddcbaddc 4030天前
#TJR's Activities# @Brendan雷恩 just likes classic movies so much that he decides to show this one at his last movie night at TJR - Men in Black One!! Come and watch it at 18:40, SAT, JAN. 11th, POWER, TJR!! [ppb鼓掌][ppb鼓掌] 🔗
葡新社 44天前
【大美广东】O Museu de Cantão criou uma “excursão exclusiva de relíquias culturais” para grupos especiais 粤博为特殊人群定制“专属文博之旅” Vida na cidade | Por ocasião do Dia Internacional das Pessoas com Deficiência em 2024, o Museu do Cantão realizou uma série de actividad ...全文
荒咖啡馆-HuangCafe 84天前
10.26 周六 荒Cafe.#公益电音 | 电子音乐文化# @麦田公益 「善音契约联合行动」 #异象Visions Vol.4 Techno Donor activities# 由 Dj ➠Ez2dj#0 / MINIMA 带来整晚的音乐 ▪一起为藏区孤儿捐助衣物,在这个寒冬中让他们感受到关怀与希望 ☊ 入场方式➠请携带上您不需要的衣物参与活动的捐赠 感谢你 ...全文
CGTNGlobalBusiness 176天前
【#无锡亿事# |汉服Citywalk:无锡拈花湾禅意小镇】抚琴、品茗、搦管、颂钵、游园、焚香、弈棋,人生雅趣,尽在无锡。拈花一笑,禅意人生。 汉服: 唐风齐胸襦裙,宋风褙子➕百迭裙 #汉服Citywalk# #万亿城市# 无锡亿事# Playing the Chinese stringed instrument guzheng, tasting tea, writing callig ...全文
香港大学暑期课程 260天前
🎉 Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant student life at the University of Hong Kong with our wide range of accommodation options! 🏢🌟 Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to make the most of your HKU experience! 🏢 #HKU Jockey Club Student Village IV in Wo ...全文
BlueWhiteSsky 271天前 佛山
CandyShop女团🍭#勇敢的兄弟新女团candyshop# 【𝕏】240421 不要走 Candy Shop🥺 出道专辑Hashtag#的活动结束了! 第一次在舞台上和粉丝们见面是既欣慰又幸福的活动💙🩵 非常感谢支持Candy Shop的粉丝们 我爱你们🍭 Don't Go Candy Shop 🥺 The activities of our debut album ...全文
BioArt的主编 344天前 上海
#bioart分享# ——【Cell | 4赫兹振荡协调可卡因记忆的分布式神经网络】 近日,来自牛津大学的David Dupret研究组在#Cell# 杂志在线发表了题为#Coordinating brain-distributed network activities in memory resistant to extinction# 的研究论文,报道了可卡因介导的稳固记忆能够被多脑区贝塔波段的神 ...全文
CenturyBlue百年唯蓝 377天前 北京
“CB百蓝_。240106 kyuhyun_official更新曺圭贤 相关: KYUHYUN EP [Restart] EVENT #2 以多种多样的方式参与KYUHYUN EP [Restart]的活动 并与全世界KYUpiter分享回忆吧! 共抽取6人送上特别礼物! 🔗 Enjoy the KYUHYUN EP [Restart] activities in various ways and cre ...全文