欢迎小主! 162导航


  • F

    Fee1lix 291天前 

    Unicef Laos更新 教孩子们洗手看着他们笑的样子ㅠㅠ “In the coming year, I wish for a safer future for the children of Laos who are suffering from inadequate nutrition, contaminated water, and poor sanitation.” @yong.lixx, @realstraykids. 💦👧👦 This ...全文

  • 大溪地旅游局 657天前 上海

    您在大溪地群岛的住宿更环保的重要方式之一,就是节约用水。💧水是一种宝贵的资源, 在许多环礁小岛,当地人依靠收集雨水来获得干净的饮用水。在您到访期间,可以利用一些简单的方法来节水,例如使用淋浴而非盆浴,刷牙时关上水龙头,在旅行期间入住具备良好生态资质的酒店。💙☔️ ...全文

  • H

    Hello-Lovers 2118天前 

    NiallHoran@Niallhoran_Official 奶儿更新推特。 今天是#WorldWaterDay# ,我很荣幸加入@UN_Water ,向世界各地的人名传播这个消息,帮助他们获得安全的饮用水,因为这是一项人权,加入我,让我们分享#CleanWaterHere2019#

  • A

    Avril_Lavigne 2482天前 

    #WorldWaterDay# is NOW! Help UN Water get the word out! Access to safe water is a human right. Join #cleanwaterhere2018# and let your voice be heard here: 🔗 so everyone can have access to clean water

  • O

    OrlandoBloom 2482天前 

    it’s #WorldWaterDay# ! 💧 as a #unicef# goodwill ambassador, my wish #ForEveryChild# is clean, safe water. 🙏🏻

  • 推荐一些帅哥 2482天前 

    #worldwaterday# post it again Iknotus_Piinball_Peverel的秒拍视频

  • 布兰妮中国歌迷会 2482天前 

    布兰妮通过推特支持世界水日:支持#CleanWaterHere2018# 运动,让孩子们有安全的饮用水可以喝。每个人都值得@CleanWaterHere ,所以大家一起来吧@UN_water #WorldWaterDay# 都来一起努力做出点改变吧!🔗

  • A

    AsasSmile1 290天前 

    CHILDREN'S RIGHTS Protecting our planet protecting our health It's #WorldWaterDay# Water is life, and clean water means health. -Audrey Hepburn, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador unicef for every child. 🩵崔始源 240322. #unicef_regional_ambassador_for_east_asia_pacific#

  • P

    PassionateLove_辰菲守护中心 291天前 

    辰菲🐈⬛#辰菲# 【240322】ins更新小菲相关 “In the coming year, I wish for a safer future for the children of Laos who are suffering from inadequate nutrition, contaminated water, and poor sanitation.” @ yong.lixx, @ realstraykids. 💦👧👦 This ...全文

  • 第77禁区 291天前 潍坊

    240322更新菲菲相关 “In the coming year, I wish for a safer future for the children of Laos who are suffering from inadequate nutrition, contaminated water, and poor sanitation.” @ yong.lixx, @ realstraykids. 💦👧👦 This #WorldWaterDay and every day, let’s join Felix i ...全文

  • 黑麦whiske_y 293天前 湖州

    #WorldWaterDay# I. Water quality The water quality of West Lake is generally good, but there are differences between different regions. Some areas are affected by urban sewage and agricultural non-point source pollution, and the water quality is poor. In addition, with the chang ...全文

  • N

    NeverStayAloneOT7 1387天前 

    Hyundai 现代 X BTS 210322 Hyundai worldwide/global 发推 *每年的3月22日是世界水日 「Today is #WorldWaterDay# !💧 This year we've joined @BTS_twt to celebrate the meaning this precious resource has for all of us. What does water mean to you? Tell us in the comments. (今年让 ...全文

  • 沙漠里的_企鹅 1753天前 

    3.22 世界水日 2020 #WorldWaterDay# is about Water and Climate Change. 今年水日主题——水与气候变化。#做自然的朋友# #蔚蓝地图#

  • W

    Won_Yeon 2118天前 

    Leaving no one behind. #WorldWaterDay#
