今日闵行 41天前 上海
来自英国利物浦的Tom已经在上海生活了三年。在他眼中,上海是一座独一无二的城市,这里的文化是包容的,人民是热心的。 Tom from Liverpool, UK, has been living in Shanghai for three years. In his eyes, Shanghai is a unique city where the culture is inclusive and the people are warm-heart ...全文
今日闵行 41天前 上海
来自英国利物浦的Tom已经在上海生活了三年。在他眼中,上海是一座独一无二的城市,这里的文化是包容的,人民是热心的。 Tom from Liverpool, UK, has been living in Shanghai for three years. In his eyes, Shanghai is a unique city where the culture is inclusive and the people are warm-heart ...全文
今日闵行 40天前 上海
如何在上海这座国际大都市获得片刻的宁静,上海外国语大学希腊外教Ourania Katavouta用镜头给出了她的答案。这条视频大概能让你的眼睛和耳朵得到休息。 In the bustling metropolis of Shanghai, finding a moment of peace is possible. Ourania Katavouta, Greek teacher from Shanghai Internationa ...全文
今日闵行 42天前 上海
上海是全世界拥有咖啡馆最多的城市之一。来自塞尔维亚、泰国、亚美尼亚等六个国家的上外留学生们在这条视频里,谈起了他们家乡的咖啡,以及他们眼中的上海咖啡文化。 Shanghai is one of the cities with the most coffee shops in the world. In this video, students of Shanghai International Stud ...全文
今日闵行 49天前 上海
来自南非开普敦的Charl,用他学到的一点上海话和手语打卡了一场在博物馆里举行的咖啡节。在那里,他又碰到了来自法国和英国的小伙伴。在外国人眼中,上海的咖啡文化有什么特别之处?让我们来看一看。 Charl from Cape Town used his basic Shanghainese and some sign language to explore a coffee fe ...全文
今日闵行 49天前 上海
来自斯里兰卡的Nisali Siriwardene喜欢用画笔捕捉上海的每一个角落。让我们一起跟随她的画作,感受这座城市的独特魅力。 Nisali Siriwardene from Sri Lanka loves to capture every corner of Shanghai with her brush. Let's follow her paintings and experience the unique charm of this city. ...全文
今日闵行 49天前 上海
法国人Keven Chetrit前不久来到上海,就职跨国企业欧莱雅。在他的镜头里,除了能看到他的工作和生活,还能找到他想留在上海发展的理由。 Recently arrived in Shanghai, Frenchman Keven Chetrit has joined the multinational company L'Oréal Group. Through his lens, you'll see not only his work ...全文
今日闵行 49天前 上海
一个菜市场变身魔都新宠,想知道外籍朋友Ema Uzejrovic和Nikola Jankovic花200元在里面能买到什么?让我们来看一看。 A food market has transformed into a new hotspot in Shanghai. Let's find out what our friends, Ema Uzejrovic and Nikola Jankovic, can buy with just 200 yuan in this marke ...全文
今日闵行 45天前 上海
来自马其顿的Sebastijan Kuzmanov是一位在上海的留学生,他热爱摄影。在他眼中,上海是什么颜色的?在他具有艺术感的镜头里,上海又被勾勒成了怎样的线条和形状?Sebastijan Kuzmanov, a student from Macedonia studying in Shanghai, has a passion for photography. What colors does he see in Sha ...全文
今日闵行 45天前 上海
来自意大利的菲利波和他的家人在上海生活了超过两年。在他看来,上海是一个充满机遇、包容且国际化的城市,为来自各地、各种处境和身份的人们提供了广阔的发展空间。 Filippo, an Italian expat, has been living in Shanghai with his family for over 2 years. In his view, Shanghai is a city brim ...全文
今日闵行 45天前 上海
作为Culture Space的创始人,Ben对街头摄影充满热情。让我们一起加入他的旅程,通过他的相机镜头去探索静安区迷人的街景和历史悠久的建筑。As the owner and creator of the Culture Space, Ben has a passion for street photography. Join him on a captivating journey to discover the enchanting ...全文
上海普陀 44天前 上海
为了让更多在沪外籍人士更好融入上海生活,东京海上日动(中国)志愿者团队主动承担起了将《外籍人士在沪服务手册》翻译成日文的工作。 In order to help more expats in Shanghai better integrate into the city, the volunteer team of Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Company (China) has ...全文
今日闵行 45天前 上海
新天地总规划师本杰明伍德的女儿Amy Wood(木安美)自小与上海结下不解之缘。在上海生活10余年,这里的文化交融、现代设施和便捷支付都让她着迷。如今投身艺术与文化交流的木安美对上海的未来充满期待,她已经迫不及待地想知道未来的上海会如何发展。 Amy Wood, daughter of Xintiandi's Architect Ben ...全文