欢迎小主! 162导航


  • 徐德智在UN 85天前 

    This is a SHORT week for UN because of Independence Day holiday. But still we have a lot going on. Has Security Council resolution 2720 been implemented? Why Russia presidency in the council faces drama? 本周因为美国独立日,联合国上班时间不长。但是我们还是报道了包括安理会2720号决 ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 1天前 

    This is the high-level week! you can tell from the busy reporters, we have too many things to cover. So, to make it simple, I’m just going to talk about the three security council meetings. 高级别会议周来啦!我们要报道的工作太多了,所以我就挑了三场安理会好好说说。#UNInsider# ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 57天前 

    Hi I am back! This week supposed to be easy but with all the development in Gaza and beyond, we have quite an intense week. Also, Phryge made its way into the briefing room. 我终于回来了!本周本来应该是很轻松的,但是因为在加沙和中东发生的事,我们的一周特别紧张。当然,奥运吉祥物弗 ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 134天前 

    This week, let me first tell you what the Security Council will do to implement GA resolution. And then, let's talk about Sudan, Gaza and the first UN international casualty. 首先我们来聊聊安理会如何落实联大关于巴勒斯坦的决议,然后再说说苏丹、加沙和联合国在加沙的首个国际职员的死 ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 169天前 

    Here is this week's update: tons of things in just 10 mins. We discussed the full membership of Palestine, the eclipse, and media responsibility on sustainability. Sorry for the out-of-focus video. 本周我们总结了一堆内容,包括了巴勒斯坦寻求正式联合国会员、日食还有在倡导可持续发展 ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 190天前 

    Here's what we have this week: IPC report that warns famine in Gaza and what a ceasefire means for humanitarian delivery. Also, will your postcards from UNHQ ever reach your address? 今天的每周总结,我们聊了联合国粮食安全等级分类报告,加沙人即将面临IPC五个等级中的最高等级:饥荒, ...全文

  • 麦丽素旋转自助 38天前 乌鲁木齐

    和咪酱的比起来 怎会黑的如此明显 太过分了uni

  • 徐德智在UN 182天前 

    This week, UN insider goes inside! We want to share the behind-the-scene stories on Gaza Security Council resolution and whether it's binding. Also, we pay a special tribute to Zhang Jun, China's PR who's leaving UN this month. 本周我们带你深入幕后,探究一下安理会加沙决议通过的背 ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 148天前 

    This week, we took a closer look at GA's veto initiative session and explained to you why there will be another Emergency Special Session on Gaza. 这周的更新,我们关注了联大的否决解释会议,并且告诉你,为啥这次又有否决解释,又要召开加沙的紧急特别会议。全英文的今天来了,中文版本稍 ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 155天前 

    This week, independent review group led by Kathrine Colonna, released its report on UNRWA amid Israeli accusation. What does this report say? And what would be the strategy for Palestine to bypass SC gaining full membership? 本周小结跟UNRWA报告相关,以及巴勒斯坦还有什么策略绕过安 ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 162天前 

    There are too many things this week!! I picked 2 things: Iran Israel tension and UNRWA. Hopefully we wouldn't see these things repeatedly dominating our news agenda. 这周联合国事情太多了!我选择了以伊冲突和近东救济工程处问题跟大家聊聊。希望下周这些事情别再反复占版面了……(轮到巴 ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 204天前 

    This week, UN agenda was packed with meetings and briefings on Gaza. Let's take some highlights just from the CRAZY MONDAY. 本周联合国几乎加沙的会议占据了大家的中心议程,我们分享一些精彩段落……而且只是来自于“疯狂星期一”。 #UNInsider# #巴以冲突# #英语学习# ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 239天前 

    This week, it's all about UNRWA, the UN refugee agency. What is UNRWA and how the cut of fundings will affect the operation of this agency? 本周的重点在联合国毫无疑问是近东救济工程处。UNRWA到底是啥?对工程处暂停捐资会导致什么影响?就在本周的UN Insider Weekly Update #UNInsider# ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 218天前 

    This week, we saw a showdown in Security Council. US vetoed Algerian draft resolution as we expected. And Palestinian diplomats decided to accelerate their efforts for statehood. 本周,安理会表决中,阿尔及利亚决议毫无意外被美国否决。此外,巴勒斯坦加速其努力争取国际社会的国家认可 ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 120天前 

    【周五英语 周六中文】It's Friday. Here is this week's UN insider update: UN commemorate international day of Peacekeepers, and all eyes on Gaza. How will Security Council act? 本周联合国纪念国际维和人员日,并继续关注加沙。安理会将如何行动?#UNinsider# #巴以冲突# #国际维和人员日# ...全文

  • 徐德智在UN 197天前 

    This week, UN kicked off CSW, Commission on the Status of Women, the biggest annual gathering of women in the UN. Women, sexual violence in conflicts took center stage. There's also fresh criticism from Israel on the UN. Let's take a look. 本周,联合国妇女地位委员会大会开幕,这是 ...全文
