朝阳少帅 121天前 北京
#潭拓寺帝王树迎来最佳观赏期# 帝王树的完美时刻. 飒飒秋风天碧蓝. 迎风飒爽赞美诗 #美丽北京随手拍# #微博影像年# #如诗如画的北京冬天# #The Emperor's Tree of Tantuo Temple ushered in the best viewing period # The perfect moment of the Emperor's Tree. The autumn wind is blowing and the sk ...全文
朝阳少帅 121天前 北京
#潭拓寺帝王树迎来最佳观赏期# 帝王树的完美时刻. 飒飒秋风天碧蓝. 迎风飒爽赞美诗 #美丽北京随手拍# #微博影像年# #如诗如画的北京冬天# #The Emperor's Tree of Tantuo Temple ushered in the best viewing period # The perfect moment of the Emperor's Tree. The autumn wind is blowing and the sk ...全文