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#The Devil in the Kitchen#

  • 煮手二哥 98天前 南京

    在纽约,我计划去会会安东尼波登,我知道我们的交谈会很有趣,他很锐利也聪明。除了这些,他还是个抽红万宝路的人,所以他是个好人#The Devil in the Kitchen#

  • 煮手二哥 98天前 南京

    we did a lunch of pig's trottlers(in breadcrumbs and with anchovy and olives and chorizo oil) at his Spanish restaurant,Casa Mono。纽约的顶级饭店也是能吃到猪脚爪的#The Devil in the Kitchen#

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    _asuki 116天前 

    星期一的晚安🥛😌项目小小更新一下。project <girls and their rooms> 双双’s room in London 2024.白色的墙和白色的柜子,小熊和老虎。被喜欢的东西包围的小屋里热一个包子。
