林X怡 753天前 遵义
Die Sonnenblumenhäuser Arenas Basabe Palacios, Buschina & Partner 🔗 🔗 #Architecture# 💙💙💙 #Apartment Blocks# #Architectural Models# #Balconies# #Public and Social Housing# #Residential Complexes ...全文
林X怡 753天前 遵义
Die Sonnenblumenhäuser Arenas Basabe Palacios, Buschina & Partner 🔗 🔗 #Architecture# 💙💙💙 #Apartment Blocks# #Architectural Models# #Balconies# #Public and Social Housing# #Residential Complexes ...全文
林X怡 645天前 遵义
T-House H.A 🔗 #Architecture# 💙💙💙 #Architectural Models# #Terracotta Facades# #The Informal City# 🔗 House model for a young family with limited area and cost