拉基蒂奇_IvanRakitic 1888天前
#拉基ins更新# “我们的伟大之处不是永不跌倒,而是每次跌倒后都能重新振作起来。” 2 /2.😁🏆💪#ralphwaldoemerson # campeon #ganador # fuerza
拉基蒂奇_IvanRakitic 1888天前
#拉基ins更新# “我们的伟大之处不是永不跌倒,而是每次跌倒后都能重新振作起来。” 2 /2.😁🏆💪#ralphwaldoemerson # campeon #ganador # fuerza
S氏一察焉 1160天前
For everything you #gain# , you #lose# something. #RalphWaldoEmerson# 凡有得,必有所失。
slightlyfamous 3013天前
The first wealth is health #RalphWaldoEmerson # quotes
趙頌茹Yu 3063天前
今天在咖啡廳看到這個,覺得講得很好,同大家分享分享一下! "For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness" #ralphwaldoemerson # #quote# #hkiger # #happiness# #逆轉思想 # #女人要靠自己# #喜樂的心乃是良藥 # #lifesharing#
HGOVR 3140天前
{ HGOVR }Always do what you are afraid to do. - #RalphWaldoEmerson - # porschetarga #porscheclub # porsche #porschelovers # porschefan #porsc…