TimCook 1488天前
#巴黎气候协定# 5 周年标志着历史性的紧迫时刻。 国家、企业和社区的领导人有责任采取行动。 Apple 为我们的进步和大胆的承诺感到自豪。 我们将继续竭尽全力保护我们共享的地球。The 5th anniversary of the #ParisAgreement# marks a moment of historic urgency. Leaders of nations, of companies a ...全文
TimCook 1488天前
#巴黎气候协定# 5 周年标志着历史性的紧迫时刻。 国家、企业和社区的领导人有责任采取行动。 Apple 为我们的进步和大胆的承诺感到自豪。 我们将继续竭尽全力保护我们共享的地球。The 5th anniversary of the #ParisAgreement# marks a moment of historic urgency. Leaders of nations, of companies a ...全文
羊肉不吃男 2776天前
“阿诺德施瓦辛格怼川普退出巴黎气候协议Arnold Blasts Trump for withdrawing the Paris agreement#parisagreement# #美国退出巴黎气候协定# ”我的秒拍作品,一起来看~羊肉不吃男的秒拍视频(使用#秒拍# 录制,免流量看热门短视频!)
羊肉不吃男 2776天前
“阿诺德施瓦辛格怼川普退出巴黎气候协议Arnold Blasts Trump for withdrawing the Paris agreement#parisagreement# #美国退出巴黎气候协定# ”🔗 (使用#秒拍# 录制,免流量看热门短视频!)
n0099 2783天前
RT UN:Climate change is real & demands attention. #ParisAgreement is just the start. 🔗 # …🔗
海伦克拉克 3159天前
RT EcoMarketplace: Impossible to meet the #ParisAgreement goals w/out protecting forests & indigenous # landrights, says HelenClarkUNDP ht…
ProjectWaveform 3181天前
#ParisAgreement # ClimateAction #climatechange 🔗
Wild_Heart 3183天前
Signing the #ParisAgreement is just the beginning. Change starts with you. Every human on earth is a part of the solution. # earthdayeveryda…
海伦克拉克 3183天前
RT UNDPBelize: #HowlerMonkey CBSBelize, # Belize's oldest model of voluntary habitat conservation. #ParisAgreement # EarthDay2016 https://…
海伦克拉克 3184天前
RT AdrianaDinu: We cannot meet #ParisAgreement without recognizing # Indigenouspeople role in protecting #forests,HelenClarkUNDP, # environ…