欢迎小主! 162导航


  • K

    Kristyyye 1738天前 

    #papertowns# Paper Towns🎬 —That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfeast cereals based on color instead of taste. 深有同感的台词: 你不了解我 我自己都还不认识我自己。

  • P

    Piku26 1888天前 

    Wanna try it #johngreen# #papertowns#

  • -

    -Hanayea 2683天前 

    #papertowns# desire for a road trip🛣

  • S

    SherryChen1227 2879天前 

    Book recommendation~ Paper Town, by John Green. Do enjoy the movie AFTER reading the book. #PaperTowns# 纸镇#CaraDelevingne#

  • I

    ImVickyChan 3077天前 

    #PaperTowns# #CaraDelevingne# What a treacherous thing it is to believe that a person is more than a person.

  • 那就叫我格啦米苏吧 3129天前 

    It took a long time to realize how wrong I was. #PaperTowns#
