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#One and the Same#

  • 破烂熊资源分享组 216天前 岳阳

    #Selena Gomez# #Demi Lovato# - #One and the Same# 补档【#公主保护计划# #Princess Protection Program# 】[2009][喜剧][电影][中英双语字幕]【#破烂熊字幕组# 】 【导演】 #Allison Liddi-Brown# 【编剧】 #Annie DeYoung# #David Morgasen# 【卡司】 #Demi Lovato# #Selena Gomez# 、 ...全文

  • 破烂熊资源分享组 581天前 岳阳

    Here's a look back at the various roles #Selena Gomez# has played throughout her acting career. 出生于美国德州,曾被视为#Miley Cyrus# 最强劲的对手。6岁开始对表演产生兴趣,7岁出演【#Barney and Friends# 】,10岁便被迪士尼公司相中并签约。 参与的作品有: 【#大楼里的谋杀# / ...全文

  • 医学生Medic 2220天前 

    15-year-old Jordyn was rushed to the KU Medical Center Emergency Room at 4:43 pm on Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 due to 10 days of severe stomach pain, vomiting and bloody diarrhea (colitis). During the 3 to 4-hour wait in the ER, Jordyn began to swell, causing a sudden loss of ...全文

  • 地区英语项目办公室 1457天前 

    本月,我们将探讨在线会议的礼节。虚拟会议在世界范围内越来越多地使用,一些简单的提示可以帮助你给同事和客户留下良好的印象。 Tip #4 for our online meeting etiquette series is to use as few exclamation points as possible! As with all caps, exclamation points may indicate yelling, and ...全文

  • _

    _Olsen 1645天前 

    很想你,科比。自从我听到你离开的消息后,一切都变了。从那以后发生了很多事情,整个世界似乎只是因为你的离开而变得更悲伤。你是一个传奇,人们永远不会忘记你。我希望你在天堂好好休息,教会你的女儿所有曼巴舞步。你是一个非凡的人,全世界的小男孩都因为你树立的榜样而成长为强壮的男人。我只希望 ...全文

  • 韩亮英语思维-EnglishFlow 1743天前 

    #“不要广撒网”用英文怎么说? 美国《新闻周刊》最近一期关注了疫情影响下的最惨毕业季,美国减少了数千万就业岗位,大学毕业生找工作难上加难。这届Gen Z(95后)也够倒霉的,幼年时9·11,青春期碰到金融危机,到毕业又遇到了全球性疫情。 文章给了条建议,说虽然就业形势不好,但投简历时也不要广 ...全文

  • L

    LuckxLiu 1776天前 

    By heart Some plays are so successful that they run for the years on end. In many ways, this is unfortunate for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same lines night after night. One would expect them to know the their of parts by heart and never have cause t ...全文

  • 狂人背单词 1964天前 

    【英语四级高分必备500关键句 第13期】 I really can't stand the way David controls the conversation all the time. 四级词汇讲解: 本句的听力难点在于对stand的理解,stand一般作“站立”讲,而此处stand意为“忍受,容忍”。David controls the conversation all the time为way的定语从句 ...全文
