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#NewBeginnings #

  • 庆怜on_the_Island 364天前 

    回顾2023年的跌宕起伏,感恩这段旅程。期待前路浩瀚。祝大家春节快乐,好运连连🙌🏻 Reflecting on all the ups and downs of 2023, and feeling thankful for the journey. Lookingforward to what lies ahead. Wishing everyone a joyous Chinese New Year and 好运连连 🎉 #NewBeginnings # ...全文

  • T

    T中文版 1117天前 

    旧物是否意味着摒弃?是否必须告别过去才能迎来新生?壬寅新春之际,「升级再造」(Upcycling)的引领者,法国时装品牌 Maison Margiela 邀请室内设计师 Paul Hsu 许玮轩,呈现以「惜旧成新」为主题的新春创意视频。废弃的日常物品经过重新组合,再用树脂浇灌成可旋转的圆桌,它象征着团聚与新生。 ...全文

  • B

    Bieber-Updates 3257天前 

    「Instagram」carlenabritch: In honor of the Purpose world tour starting tonight, I want to send out a huge congratulations and best of luck to my Bieber family! I hope tonight is everything you dream it to be! #purposeworldtour# #believeworldtour# #justinbieber# #newbeginnings# ...全文

  • 美少女的颜控日记 175天前 北京

    Getting ready for my civil service exam, following in #周奇# and #周奇陈拾# 's footsteps. #大理寺少卿游# starts today? ? #ExcitingMoments# #NewBeginnings# #ps# 美少女的颜控日记的🎞︎微博视频

  • N

    Nick_Carraway01 44天前 广州

    Hi, my name is Nick Carraway and I'm a bond trader. This is my new account on Weibo. I am looking forward to sharing what I see and hear with you. Please pay attention.#newbeginnings# American·New York

  • 易信easyMarkets 7天前 上海

    祥龙辞岁,灵蛇迎春! 愿您在挑战中获到力量,在选择中找到智慧,在前行中得到成长。祝您新年兴旺发达!🐍 #HappyChineseNewYear # YearOfTheWoodSnake #NewBeginnings # easyMarkets

  • J

    JennyYang的微博 35天前 宁波

    Enchante is here’s to a fantastic 2025! Wishing everyone a year filled with joy, success, and culinary creativity with Enchante. Cheers to new beginnings! 🥂🎉 #happynewyear # Enchante2025 #newbeginnings # 2025#一条plog告别2024# #jenny日常分享#

  • 艾宅宅 403天前 

    #2024年第一条微博# Happy New Year! Reflecting on 2023, it's been a transformative journey. Overcoming challenges, fears, anxiety has made this year truly remarkable. As stepping into 2024, my hope is for continuous growth, more prosperity, improved health, and the strength to con ...全文

  • 戴凯 404天前 

    As the grand clock ticks over, we bid farewell to a year that was a tapestry of trials and triumphs. To everyone who faced hardships, may this image symbolize the magic and hope that the New Year brings. Let the light from this celebration ignite a brighter flame in your hearts, ...全文

  • S

    SHFA雨虎花纪 466天前 昆明

    新的一周,棕榈果、热带文心兰、小蜜蜂百合… 游逸舒展—— · #前台花不只一种样式# #秋日瓶花# #naturalistic# #NEWBEGINNINGS# #雨虎花纪SHFA#
