我给你炫一个 159天前 北京
Recalling her early days performing at bars, #郁可唯# shares her journey in #姐姐的爱乐之程# . #徐峥# , curious brother Shan Zheng, listens intently. #MusicMemories# #CuriousMinds# #郁可唯# 我给你炫一个的🎞︎微博视频
我给你炫一个 159天前 北京
Recalling her early days performing at bars, #郁可唯# shares her journey in #姐姐的爱乐之程# . #徐峥# , curious brother Shan Zheng, listens intently. #MusicMemories# #CuriousMinds# #郁可唯# 我给你炫一个的🎞︎微博视频
wiseguy 15天前 北京
#WiseMusic# #musicmemories# 98°《This Gift》This Gift @QQ音乐
说唱殿堂 134天前 北京
Leave the hatred for the Queen of Myriad Demons, reserve forgiveness for yourself! #RevisitingAndReliving# #CantoPop# #MusicMemories# #SharingMelodies# #HeartForWestJingOnly# #art# 说唱殿堂的🎞︎微博视频
爱豆百宝箱 137天前 北京
Live performances ignite memories #YouShouldveKnown# #shirley林# #广州# #LivePerformance# #MusicMemories# #广州# 爱豆百宝箱的🎞︎微博视频
sing音乐基地 143天前 北京
#听到这首歌# #你会想起谁# #可能# #边走边唱# #唱歌# Let the melodies bring back memories, who comes to mind? #musicmemories# #justsinging# #唱歌# sing音乐基地的🎞︎微博视频
曰曰点小事儿 144天前 北京
Recalling #wannaone# and #赖冠霖# in South Korea, do you think those times were his peak? #MusicMemories# #PeakPeriod# #赖冠霖# 曰曰点小事儿的🎞︎微博视频
古典乐的故事 147天前 北京
Maybe in this moment, thoughts of me arise #心做し# #宝藏音乐人计划# #无声卡清唱# . Lost in melody, the silence speaks volumes #silentSerenade# #musicMemories# . #音乐# 古典乐的故事的🎞︎微博视频
燃脂大师 149天前 北京
Revisit the good old days with "《叫一声我的哥》", reliving the memories of the idols we once adored - a true trip down memory lane. #TunesToTreasure# #ListenToTheAngelsSing# #MusicMemories# #QiaoQingYu# #re# 燃脂大师的🎞︎微博视频
首席音乐官 149天前 北京
Sharing the song "又见炊烟" with everyone. #timelessMelodies# #musicMemories# #youthNoRegrets# #LiángWénJìng# #one# 首席音乐官的🎞︎微博视频
明星观测站 152天前 北京
Embrace the sounds of May with #五月天# , reliving those youthful pangs and trends #musicmemories# . #五月天# 情头宜合的🎞︎微博视频
不可错过的舞台 155天前 北京
Feeling the power in this song back then was truly uplifting; hope it spreads the same energy to everyone. #fm528point# #blazingproject# #musicmemories# #tryeverything# #zootopia# #one# 不可错过的舞台的🎞︎微博视频