欢迎小主! 162导航

#LoongYearLoongDance challenge and celebrate the Chinese New Year with joy and hopes of good fortune. #

  • C

    CGTN 293天前 北京

    【当光绘遇上龙舞,会碰撞出什么?】快来看CGTN主持人@朱濂安Julian 和友人一同创作的酷炫光影,感受这份欢乐与祝福吧!How about creating something unique… have you ever seen a dance like this? Join the #LoongYearLoongDance challenge and celebrate the Chinese New Year with joy and hope ...全文

  • 原复甬江 22天前 

    As we embrace the Year of the Loong, a young dancer from China Oriental Performing Arts Group was invited to join the #LoongYearLoongDance challenge and celebrate the Chinese New Year with joy and hopes of good fortune. # SharedFuture10Years #Happy2024 # YearOfLoong ...全文
