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  • 火星研究社 822天前 北京

    乔治·米勒#疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路# 导演,蒂尔达·斯文顿(康斯坦丁)和伊德里斯·艾尔巴(X特遣队:全员集结)主演,#三千年的思念# #Three Thousand Years of Longing# 放出第一个中文正式预告片。Alithea Binnie虽然对生活还算满意,但对世界却抱着怀疑的态度。在伊斯坦布尔,她遇到了一个神灵,后者向 ...全文

  • N

    NothingButMisdemeanor 1464天前 


  • 水深五潯 1690天前 

    #The Longing# #漫长等待# 看起来似乎是个不完全的攻略库啵。

  • J

    Jack_Dawson_24 2596天前 

    #Longing for the view 2.0# Look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide...

  • 碰星福利 2765天前 

    3月27日第24届#东方风云榜# 颁奖盛典在上海举行,作为内地乐坛唯一的大满贯天后,@周笔畅 包揽了“最受欢迎女歌手”和“年度跨界艺人”两项大奖,歌曲#Longing for you# 则获得了年度十佳金曲。当天笔笔连换两套look亮相盛典红毯及现场,气场十足。现场,笔笔还精心准备了歌曲串烧,不但有#被中立拖累# 和 ...全文

  • D

    D女郎喵喵 3106天前 


  • m

    m孙迈迈 3101天前 

    #试试删他QQ里的女生# #怎样过这一生# 五分喜欢的人 恨不得把他挂在嘴上招摇过市 有七分喜欢 只能跟至亲密友分享 有十分喜欢 就谁也不舍得说了 憋着 像只松鼠攒着满腮帮子的果仁 💕一周年快乐❤️@胶县一枝花

  • 轻轻的风 3101天前 

    很多时候 我们说放下了 其实没有真的放下 只是在假装幸福 然后躲在寂静的角落里 孤独地抚摸伤痕 人总是这样 拥有的时候嫌烦 失去的时候才知道有多重要 没有受过伤的人 才会讥笑别人身上的伤痕

  • J

    Jaylen_JC_T 8天前 北京

    檀健次相柳#Tan Jianci's theme song "Inaccessible Waiting" by Xiang Liu# Wait for the snow to fall once Waiting for fate to fall in love Waiting for your lifetime Xiangliu Theme Song | "Unpredictable Waiting" Released Lyrics: @ Tonghua tonghua Composer/Producer: @ Composer ...全文

  • 就迷阿sir 55天前 北京

    #王弘毅# hasn't felt the sudden surge in his popularity. The roles of Chi Shui Fenglong in "#Longing# " and Yang Kang in "#The# Martial World of Jin Yong## " have introduced him to audiences, but he himself says he hasn't noticed a spike in his fame. He's delighted to be seen by vi ...全文

  • 花事了之后 44天前 深圳

    Long as I can sense that shaky feeling when I feel you lie

  • 追剧酱酱君 59天前 北京

    Embrace the art of creating videos with AI featuring Aoriu, as detailed in this tutorial. #UseAItoEmbraceAoriu# #PhotosToVideo# #Longing# #eos# 追剧酱酱君的🎞︎微博视频

  • 电视剧小胖墩 63天前 北京

    Who wouldn't adore Xiao Liu! #DouyinCreationSeason# #XiaoLiu# #Longing# #TanJianCi# #HandmadeDIY# #mad# 电视剧小胖墩的🎞︎微博视频

  • 你的时尚偶像 70天前 北京

    Embracing the everyday charm, #fyp# #longing# _in_hearts## #favoring# _earthly_flames## #HuXia# _ZhangZiNing## #YangZi# _XiaoYao## #art# 你的时尚偶像的🎞︎微博视频

  • 长腮的游泳者 72天前 北京

    Let the crimson attire be forever linked to Sister Zi! #R# Zi's striking red costume## R Zi's vibe## R Zi## Longing Heart## The harmony of R Zi and crimson## #art# 长腮的游泳者的🎞︎微博视频

  • 漫威的背后 72天前 北京

    Have you ever harbored secret feelings for someone? #movie# _only_our_day## Longing to spend a day that solely belongs to us. #milk# _sweet_philosophy## #emotions# #secret# _crush## #love# #movie# 漫威的背后的🎞︎微博视频

  • 八锅梦煲剧 84天前 北京

    My affection for you isn't any less, but it's so profound that I'm willing to let you go, to seek your own happiness and peace. Each time I protect you, it's a willing descent into my own depths. Though I can't walk with you in the light of day, I'll shield you from every storm i ...全文

  • 玉娇龙0626 162天前 吉林市

    四模:还有25天就高考了,小外外经历了最后一次高考模拟考试。前三次是一次比一次低,都担心她最后连600分都保不了了。没想到这次四模出来,她的成绩又恢复到了以前状态。虽然也有诸多遗憾,像语文好几个古诗词写不出来,物理没有答满分,数学化学卷子都没答完,但总的成绩上来了。希望她能稳住,争取 ...全文
