欢迎小主! 162导航


  • C

    Carlitos阿尔卡拉斯球迷俱乐部 88天前 宁波

    阿尔卡拉斯#learnenglish# 听听我卡准备送什么礼物🎁给辛纳、小德、纳豆😆😆😆 #阿尔卡拉斯# #超话创作官# #carlitos# #charlie# Carlitos阿尔卡拉斯球迷俱乐部的🎞︎微博视频

  • 剑桥大学英语考评部 103天前 北京

    What did you use to do as a child that you don’t do now? We use ‘used to’ to talk about repeated actions you did in the past but not any more. It’s really helpful when talking about past habits or routines. You’ll notice ‘used to’ is followed by the infinitive: ‘I used ...全文

  • 剑桥大学英语考评部 713天前 上海

    I’m so tired today! I need to sleep. 🥱😴🥴 There are lots of different ways to say ‘tired’ in English. Here are just a few of them. What makes you feel tired? #LearnEnglish # Vocabulary #Cambridge

  • 英语小秋秋 884天前 成都

    CATTI GREAT 💥terrific 💥superb 💥fabulous 💥fantastic 💥excellent 💥awesome 💥incredible 💥wonderful 💥remarkable 💥outstanding #LearnEnglish # vocabulary #English

  • L

    LearnEnglish 1417天前 

    #LearnEnglish# 英国人喜欢聊天气,但是你知道吗?当歪果仁提到Rainy day有可能不是下雨天的意思。 Rainy day其实还有一层意思:穷困时期准备一些钱以备不时之需。你学会了吗 ?更多趣味知识看这里🔗

  • M

    Michael_P_Toothman 1635天前 

    [Take Your English Fluency to the Next Level - English Speaking Tips!] Many of you have goals to improve your English fluency. Christina, our English coach, teaches you how to take your English speaking skills to a whole new level. It is essential to identify which areas you n ...全文

  • 目标是终生学习 1886天前 

    【置顶】2019年总结+2020年手帐体系+自我介绍+微博安排 其实自己的手帐根本算不上体系,在这里讲讲自己的安排、希望大家对这个账号多一点了解。 P1 个人情况 P2-3 2019年年度总结 P4 2019年手帐总结 P5 2020年手帐安排 P6 2020年微博安排 P7👸号 P8 B站 我在这里就尽我所能分享自己的英语知识,尽 ...全文

  • n

    ngocngadotnet 1天前 

    🔗 🏃♂️💪🌟 #KeepGoing# #SelfMotivation# #BetterThanStagnant# The daily persistence is not to impress anyone, nor to prove anything to anyone, but because I know that running forward is always better than standing still. // 每天的坚持,不是为了感动谁, ...全文

  • E

    EnglishBud 33天前 

    Get ready for a breakthrough in your English learning journey! Book a FREE demo lesson with English Buddy today and take the first step toward achieving your goals! #EnglishBuddy # DemoLesson #LearnEnglish# 1v1 Trial Lesson:🔗 1v2 Trial Lesson: ...全文

  • B

    Belcris 154天前 

    #我的照片会发光# from my English tips instagram profile! #dailyenglish# #englishlearning# #learnenglish# #americanenglish#

  • 小螃蟹10402 162天前 合肥

    #learnenglish# Chinese People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force。

  • 英国大使馆文化教育处 168天前 北京

    #学英语# on、off、up、down……跟在动词后面就傻傻分不清楚了❓别急,本周英语小课堂带你轻松梳理短语动词的使用规律~#LearnEnglish#

  • 墨鱼绘画 236天前 武汉

    英语思维导图,easy English手抄报#英语# #learnenglish# #思维导图# #小学英语# 墨鱼绘画的🎞︎微博视频
